PEMF 8000 Pulsed Electromagnetic Field Therapy
PEMF is a new 20th century paradigm for restoring whole health.
Thank you for your interest and Discovering the Most Healing, Innovative Technology ever created! The PEMF Therapy New Generation Technology that is dramatically assisting and presently restoring whole health to so many clients and patients of the wellness community!
“PEMF is a benefit for Mankind from infant to the geriatric. PEMF will lead to a change in the paradigm of medicine.”
Dr. Linus Pauling – Double Nobel Prize Winner
Amazing Health and Wellness Benefits

Charlie Farricielli and My Best Friend “my daughter Ariana Gina”
Hi, my name is Charlie Farricielli. As a professional retired musician, I have enjoyed the honor and the gifts of recording and performing with many national musicians for several years, nationally and internationally.
I have forever had a passion for the miraculous effects of vibration frequencies on human energy. I spent my retired years deep into research, study, and experience to educate and promote my amazing discovery of PEMF technology!
My breakthrough will prove that PEMF can balance the endocrine system and affect the physical, mental and emotional state of a person.
When I first experienced the PEMF technology in 2012, it was not a stretch for me to understand the benefits of pulsed electromagnetic field frequencies. We are only as healthy as our cells, and using PEMF is like having a “tune up” on our cells.
For over 20 years, I suffered from diabetes. I spent thousands of dollars on management and prescription medications that only provided temporary relief.
I was introduced to the PEMF by my long time friend and fellow musician who told me it would help me to live a long and disease free life. After the first session, I began to have more energy, have a feeling of well being, and slept great and observed a healing that I could have never achieved on my own. I use it 5 times a week and once a day.
My family also uses it on our horses (learn more) to provide relief to improving performance. Increase Speed, Strength, Stamina, Suppleness, and Range of Motion RELIEVES PAIN! Reduces Inflammation, Stiffness and Soreness from Competition or Injury! DETECT AREAS OF SORENESS and so much more!
As a musician, I have devoted my life to creative endeavors that lift people up. My own personal discovery involving the benefits of PEMF has been so life-changing that I want to share it with you too. This is my invitation for you to call me directly to learn more about this incredible technology.
Wishing you health and wholeness,
Charlie Farricielli
Contact me today!
“I was very excited to come across information about the PEMF8000 and how it has proven to give long term pain relief for conditions that are normally considered chronic. After reading everything I could find about the device, I decided to give Charlie a call. It was one of the best phone calls of my life. He is incredibly knowledgeable as well as enthusiastic. I encourage anyone that has questions to call him and get the full benefits of his friendly expertise.”
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PEMF technology is revolutionizing the way doctors treat pain – and while there are many different devices available, there is very little information explaining what makes one PEMF machine better than any other. If you’re like the rest of us, you probably found lots of confusing numbers and scientific Terms when you tried to find the real difference between these machines yourself.
You know, the kind of information you can’t find in a sales pitch! That’s why; right here and right now, we are going to clear the fog surrounding what makes one PEMF machine better than another – so you can make an informed decision as a doctor or patient looking to experiment with one for yourself.
The PEMF device runs on the principle of pulsed electromagnetic field therapy. This kind of PEMF therapy has been seen to be highly effective in many cases. Basically it affects the root cause of any chronic pain, and thus can heal the cause of the pain altogether, giving instant reliefs.
PEMF is safe to use. It transports a field charge around your body by stimulating this charge around your cells. It transports the charge within 150 Nano seconds per pulse. This charge of micro current electricity is run through your body deeply at a cellular level and thus your body gets healing from the very core of it.
So, this micro current which is safely passed through your body via PEMF, helps to kill the bacteria in the focused region. The removal of bacteria helps the body to regain its original health. Not only that, but this electricity also helps the body to dispose the toxins. Thus the body’s ability to take in nutrients increases. The more nutrients taken in by the body, the faster it heals.
Built in the US, PEMF is the first of its kind device which can cure the body of pain within a matter of 60 seconds barely. This has already been utilized by several chronic treatment centers. But it can also be used at home as the usage is quite easy.
Once you start using PEMF, you can see the results immediately. It takes you about three days to gauge the results completely. In fact, using them regularly can cure you of your ailment completely. Frozen joints have been seen to be healed completely after treatment with this device. Soft tissues and spurs have also seen to be reduced.
I believe the PEMF8000 was reaching and regenerating in areas I was not able to physically reach. Now that I’ve experienced the PEMF for myself and my patients, I cannot see myself practicing without it.”
My Parkinson’s symptoms have improved dramatically since using the PEMF daily for the past three months. I no longer need naps, my tremors have slowed down and my energy level is great.”
Research has also shown that PEMF is effective in reducing the signs of aging. It can not only reduce aches and pains, but also reduce the fatigue that comes with age. Doctors of chiropractic practices have been utilizing this technique to relieve their patients of ailments. Since this is the only product in the market that is effective at reducing pain in such less time, PEMF is largely used by medicinal enthusiasts around the world. You can check out the reviews of this product online. It has been developed based on the studies conducted by the National Institute of Health and other reputed sources.
More research is now being conducted to improve the effects of this products and to use it more widely for curing other ailments as well. For now, this product is being widely used around the world by different medical institutions.
The first evidence of the need for pulsed electromagnetic fields was actually discovered after the very first launch of a human into orbit around the Earth. Russian Yuri Gagarin went into space in the early 1960s and orbited our planet once and then returned. When he came back from that historic trip, Yuri unfortunately experienced symptoms of depression, diminished metabolism, reduced perception, bone tissue loss, and even muscle tissue deterioration. Yuri was only without the PEMF of Earth for one hour and forty-eight minutes. It is easy to see what prolonged PEMF deprivation could do to a person. After Yuri’s illnesses, research has confirmed human cells deprived of pulsed magnetic fields will die very quickly. PEMF is absolutely a vital element of human life; in fact many researchers have started referring to PEMF as “The Fifth Element.” Along with food, water, oxygen and sleep, the body needs PEMF to survive.
PEMF8000 With superior engineering comes superior performance. The redesigned PEMF8000 offers unrivaled speed of induction, which translates into a more dynamic treatment experience. Tissues respond rapidly, aches and pains are alleviated, and cellular energy.
PEMF WELLNESS TECHNOLOGY LLC was founded in 2012. We are a family-owned and operated manufacturing company that is inspired from a passion for high technology and meaningful service to others. PEMF 8000 creator has over 20 years of experience with Tesla Technology and diligently engineered the PEMF8000 Device for quality and 20th Century State-of-the-art Science!
We research, develop & manufacture game-changing technologies for patients who have few treatment options they can count on.
You can find our devices in the homes of out-patients and in the offices of chiropractors, therapists, caregivers, and veterinarians in all four corners of the globe.
Because the results we achieve with our device are unmatched, we define the cutting-edge in the PEMF industry.!
The PEMF8000 has a rich development history. It is predicated on an earlier bulky and temperamental Greek system. The new
PEMF8000 has been improved dramatically in performance, durability, and ease-of-use.
Enhanced engineering, state-of-the-art components, and user-friendly design make for a functional, robust device.
While most other PEMF system manufacturers stop research and development efforts once the unit has been brought to market, the PEMF 8000 is in a continuous state of updating. This is the value of a physicist developing a system as opposed to a businessman – the physicist is never satisfied!
The current model is housed in a new enclosure, has a newly designed spark chamber, a new capacitor design, and is 25% more powerful than any other models in the industry. The maximum intensity of the unit – about 2.1 Tesla – Up to 20,000 Gauss is yet another testament to its impeccable design.
PEMF Review
PEMF8000 With superior engineering comes superior performance. The redesigned PEMF8000 offers unrivaled speed of induction, which translates into a more dynamic treatment experience. Tissues respond rapidly, aches and pains are alleviated, and cellular energy.
We research, develop & manufacture game-changing technologies for patients who have few treatment options they can count on.
You can find our devices in the homes of out-patients and in the offices of chiropractors, therapists, caregivers, and veterinarians in all four corners of the globe.
Because the results we achieve with our device are unmatched, we define the cutting-edge in the PEMF industry. is enhanced.
Call 1-844-PEMF8000
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Again, I invite you to call me if you have questions and assist with any chronic conditions and educate you with the PEMF 8000 device or a simple question in reference to any health problem at 203-214-5454. Please fill out the contact form and I will gladly send you information about the PEMF 8000 and how Pulsed Electomagnetic Field (PEMF) works.
Telephone: 203-214-5454
Toll Free: 844-PEMF-8000
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