“Let’s Celebrate Gratitude – Appreciation and love”this Thanksgiving Day

Dear Friends, and Family,
This week, many of our staff gathered to share a simple message for the upcoming holiday:
Thank you. Thank you for your support of PEMF Wellness Technology and our amazing PEMF8000 Devices! Thanks to you we had the most successful and amazing year. We thank you from each and every one of us here.
We also appreciate your continued efforts to send us your inconceivable testimonies of healing and wellness!
We will continue this year to compel our company and PEMF technology to the pinnacle of all healing and wellness devices.
“As we express our gratitude, we must never forget that the highest appreciation is not to utter words, but to live by them”.
~John Fitzgerald Kennedy
“Thanksgiving Day comes, by statute, once a year; to the honest man it comes as frequently as the heart of gratitude will allow”.
~Edward Sandford Martin
My wish for you with these words this holiday:
“May you have Comfort on difficult days, smiles when sadness intrudes, rainbows to follow the clouds, laughter to kiss your lips, sunsets to warm your heart, hugs when spirits sag, beauty for your eyes to see, friendships to brighten your being, faith so that you can believe, confidence for when you doubt, courage to know yourself, patience to accept the truth, And, Love to complete your life!”
Happy Thanksgiving!
Many Blessings,
Love, Charlie Farricielli
You also may want to read my “Appreciation and Gratitude Story”!
Also Check out our Thanksgiving Inspirational Quotes

About Charlie Farricielli
Charles E. Farricielli, President Director
Welcome to the World of Natural Healing “Pulsed Electromagnetic Field Therapy” Discovery, and Electromagnetic Medicine and Science!
PEMF Wellness Technology LLC is a select group of professionals that have successfully partnered to manufacture PEMF8000 devices and additional most superior PEMF devices in the world.
PEMF WELLNESS has injected promises of integrity, and an unshakable concern for sincerity to their consumers, furthermore a pledge to customer service and a paramount excellence in this extensive field of PEMF education and devices.
PEMF Wellness Technology LLC has researched and discovered the most superlative Electromagnetic devices available in the market today. Our selections are based on Quality, Effectiveness, Power, Safety, Affordability, Customer service, Technology, and Factual testimonies. The partners at PEMF Wellness Technology truly believe in this scientific phenomenon and 21st-century discovery of PEMF (Pulsed Electromagnetic Discovery)!
“Our passion is to deliver real pain relief, to re-create health, to incorporate wellness and to allow the human body to heal itself of all known disease. Our aspirations are to introduce this gift of health, this gift of life, and wellness to the planet. Our joy is the thought of simply trusting the belief that every PEMF machine will dramatically without question extensively improve someone’s life. ” Charlie Farricielli was quoted as saying in an interview with the PEMF Radio Blog Show.
Charles E. Farricielli, President and Director
Charles E. Farricielli founded a full service wholesale and retail florist business in West Haven,
Charles E. Farricielli founded a full service wholesale and retail florist business in West Haven, CT in 1975 called Farricielli's Flower City, and has served as the company's President since 1975. Mr. Farricielli established Rose Express, Inc. in 1989 to operate a Rose Express in New Haven, CT as a retail store specializing in the sale of fresh cut roses, floral bouquets, greeting cards and other gift items available at drive-through and walk-up windows for quick and convenient pick-up. Mr. Farricielli has served as President of Rose Express, Inc since its establishment.
Mr. Farricielli has also held the positions of President and Director of the Franchisor, Rose Express Franchise Systems, Inc. since it was incorporated in June of 1990.
Currently, Mr. Farricielli is a member of the National Florist Council, serves on the Board of Directors of Roses International, holds memberships in the West Haven, New Haven and Milford Chambers of Commerce, and belongs to the Society of American Florists Services. He has been nominated to serve on the Board of the Small Business National Association and the International Entrepreneurs Association.
Mr. Farricielli has been honored for outstanding support to the National Leukemia Society, has received the City of West Haven Merit Award, has actively participated in other community and charitable causes such as National Diabetes Foundation and helped take part in the World Special Olympics with Mr. and Mrs. Shriver