PEMF – PULSED ELECTROMAGNETIC FIELD | What is the advantages of a high power PEMF device | High power vs. Low Power

Low-Level vs. High-Level Power PEMF. What’s The Difference?

When it comes to PEMF devices, does low power work as good as high power intensity?

pemf cells

Have you ever wondered what we are made of?

All life is made of cells.

They come in thousands of different shapes and sizes. The human body has over a hundred trillion of them and PEMF energizes and heals at the source, the cellular level, with amazing results.

What is PEMF?
PEMF is PULSED Electro-Magnetic Field Therapy, a revolutionary technology which creates a safe, pulsing magnetic field, energizes the cells of the body and stimulates a body’s ability to heal itself…
without drugs or side-effects and often with immediate results! 

All Life is made of CELLS
They come in thousands of shapes and sizes
The human body has over 100 trillion of them
carrying out the dance of life in our bodies.
They ask only that we take care of ourselves.
We are only as Healthy as those cells.

How does PEMF Work?
Each of these cells in your body has a magnetic field surrounding itself. This is the same magnetic field that doctors measure when they do an EKG or EEG. Cells function by pulling oxygen and nutrients in through the cell membrane to metabolize as energy and pushing waste and toxins out. This in and out process is what creates the magnetic field “charge” around each cell.

Science has proven that damaged, weak cells caused by stress, overuse, environmental toxins, poor nutrition, age, or injury have an imbalanced electrical charge (similar to that of a low battery).

When the voltage of a cell is compromised, the cell membrane loses permeability, oxygen and nutrients cannot flow into the cell, and waste and toxins start accumulating inside the cell. The body’s natural ability to rejuvenate itself slows down and physical dysfunction such as inflammation manifests.

This metabolic change ultimately results in loss of energy, pain, swelling, illness and ultimately, disease. 

“Thus chronic disease is always defined by low voltage”
Jerry Tenant, MD, MD(H), PSc. D in his book, Healing is Voltage.
PEMF therapy uses a safe, gentle pulsing magnetic field to “recharge the cells” and optimize cellular function.

The pulsing magnetic field from a PEMF device turns on and then off many times a second in what is called the frequency. This magnetic field is attracted to unhealthy cells (the raisins, lacking in magnetic field) and goes right around the healthy cells (the grapes) because they have an established magnetic field around them.

Consider holding two magnets. The positive end repels the other positive end. But when you hold the negative end out, the positive is attracted to it. Similarly, the pulsing magnetic field only interacts with the lower charged cells.

When the PEMF8000 devices ( ) pulses “on” the unhealthy cell expands, when it is “off” the cell relaxes. This action acts like “cellular exercise”. The in and out process resumes, recreating the energy or “charge” of the cell.

The stretching and relaxing opens the cell membranes and improves the cell’s permeability. This allows the cell to release pent-up waste and toxins (detox) and bring in fresh oxygen and nutrients…. ultimately reducing inflammation and pain.

As cells recharge themselves, they heal and return to their natural state and create optimal health.
Putting it simply, PEMF is a “Massage for your Cell Membranes.”
PEMF8000 Therapy optimizes cell function and
enhances the body’s natural ability to heal itself.

One of the most aspects of PEMF devices is the complete oversight of what the difference is between low vs. high-powered PEMF devices.

When most health professionals begin their research on what PEMF machine is right for their practice, the actual power of the machine makes a considerable difference in the results of treatment.

So what is the difference between low power and high power PEMF devices?

Below we break down the main differences and why any health professional interested in a PEMF machine needs to pay attention.

Two-Fold Approach

Let’s first talk about PEMF therapy in general, with the focus initially on why there really is no comparison at all between the high-powered and the low-powered.

Why, from a questioning standpoint, from a doctor asking, “Hey what’s the difference between your machine…” And when I say your machine, any of the high-power category ones versus any other company that a health care professional finds in their research.

There really is no comparison because they are significantly different. It’s not even apples to oranges.

The Mechanism of Action

The easiest way to compare the low vs. high power PEMF devices is with a somewhat related, but unconventional example.

Let’s compare a Porsche to a skateboard.

Whether you travel to a specific city either driving a Porsche or riding a skateboard, the mechanism of action is the same. It’s four rolling wheels creating transport. But everything powering these transports is so vastly different; you will never find a professional race between the two.

We embrace lower-level PEMF technology because there is a need for it, just like there’s a need for taking an aspirin when you have a headache or for putting a Band-Aid on a minor flesh wound.

Low-Level PEMF Devices

First and foremost, all low-level PEMF devices are computer-controlled. They do not create an arc or a pulse, or a gap of energy, much like high-power PEMF devices do.

Low-level machines use a computer to generate frequencies.

It’s a switching system as opposed to a spark gap, lightning bolt, an arc, or a pop of energy. These computer-generated frequencies are similar to a current on a skin device or a TENS unit. The frequencies pass through little contact points and go directly into the user…they are not induced.

These frequencies can be delivered by a series of methods such as:

· A full-sized mat that you may lay down on.

· Small contacts that wrap around your wrist, ankle, or head.

· A cushion or backing that allows you to sit in a chair.

Low-Level=Long-Term Use

Because these devices deliver such a low-level frequency, it’s been known that they require several sessions per day just to combat minor irregularities, such as sleep troubles.

When it comes to chronic pain or more serious health issues, sessions may last one to two hours per day, multiple times per day.

When you do the math, we’re talking about two to three hours of treatment, six or seven days a week to fix a mid-level problem. That’s way too much time dedicated to recovery with two major inefficiencies:

1.  Pain management: While low-level PEMF may be an alternative product, it defers from the statistical method of improving while reducing treatment times.

2. It’s not actually PEMF, but rather PEMS therapy.

What is PEMS Therapy?

PEMS Therapy is a very low-level current that is delivering energy into the body that only extends two to three centimeters deep, potentially even less.

Because of this low-level induction of current along with the discharge of frequency and power output, PEMS will most likely be diminished when it actually reaches the source of the problem.

With low-powered machines, they are trying in a rife-type way to either generate, or hit, or excite, the properly targeted frequencies on the electromagnetic spectrum that people have put into books that assert it will heal or cure a disease.

What is a Rife machine? A rife machine is a low-powered PEMS device without a coil applicator. The goal of this machine is to target a certain frequency by tuning into a cell and getting the cell to either rupture and die or go back to its proper tune or methodology.

Missing Measurable Data

Because the output of most low-level “PEMF” devices is minimal, categorizing results with patients is very difficult to achieve.

The fact of the matter is that to receive measurable, quantifiable evidence from a patient, that patient needs to actually feel a difference shortly after treatment; which tends to be unachievable from a low-level PEMF device with minimal discharge.

And that’s just one of the different sort of measurable.

High-end Vs. Low-end Frequencies

Most low-level PEMF machines are using a computer to attempt to generate X amount of frequencies on the electromagnetic spectrum. Most low-level devices target the 1 to 60 Hertz range, where it’s believed that the vast majority of healing occurs.

With a high-power PEMF device, the belief is that they are using higher-end frequencies. With a significantly larger discharge of energy, almost all the frequencies on the electromagnetic spectrum become excited all at once. High-end frequencies are a carrier for the low-end frequency.

Let’s provide another example:

Think about the difference between a 6.0 earthquake and a 2.0 earthquake on the Richter scale. While a 4 point difference may not seem significant. but in terms o the magnitude of power output, each point is roughly 1000 times more powerful.


Triggering Cellular Resonance

Whether low-level or high-level PEMF devices, the goal is to trigger cellular resonance, which is ultimately attempting to get the cell to respond back to the machine or source of energy.

With a low-level device, there is no mechanism in which to create cellular resonance within a patient. You may lay on a mat for two hours a day for six days a week and hope the patient feels something.

With high-powered PEMF machines, cellular resonance is much more likely to occur because the high discharge of energy directly hits the damaged or trouble spot.

A high-voltage spark creates such a strong magnetic field that it induces from great distances. And the cell or the cells in the area that have been damaged, we can think of them as being out of tune.

The cell will continue to react to the high pulse of energy until it has gone into tune. When this occurs, similar to sound waves, the cell then becomes a passer of energy. This is why a patient may feel a shift of energy to another part of their body.

Should you completely disregard low-level PEMF devices?

Absolutely Not.

Both high-power and low-power PEMF devices can live in harmony, and be quite effective when paired together.

Let’s say a person has chronic back pain:

They visit their local chiropractor’s office. They get an adjustment. The doctor of chiropractic potentially uses decompression and a high-power PEMF machine. Then, they take a low-level device home and sleep on it for the next two weeks; until they come back to the chiropractor for the next session.

The reason for this process is to assist in sleep so their body can continue the healing process, but not to fix some sort of long-term problem.

Where can I purchase either low-level or high-level PEMF devices, and how much will they cost?

The process of purchasing a PEMF device will depend mostly on the type of power you’re looking for and what your budget is.

Most low-power PEMF devices can be purchased from an independent distributor of the manufacturer or online. Because low-level machines are more frequently used for general consumers for home use, the price of the device is significantly lower.

Most low-power machines range from $1,000-$6,000.

Because low-level machines are more frequently used for general consumers for home use, the price of the device is significantly lower than that of a clinical, high-level machine.

You are most likely to find a high-powered machine in an established health professional’s office, such as a chiropractor or doctor’s office. With these machines superior in power and results, it requires more of a financial investment. Depending on the technology, add-ons, and availability, most high-power PEMF machines range from $20,000 to $40,000.


PEMF8000 With superior engineering comes superior performance. The redesigned PEMF8000 offers unrivaled speed of induction, which translates into a more dynamic treatment experience. Tissues respond rapidly, aches and pains are alleviated, and cellular energy.

PEMF WELLNESS TECHNOLOGY LLC was founded in 2012. We are a family-owned and operated manufacturing company that is inspired from a passion for high technology and meaningful service to others. PEMF 8000 creator has over 20 years of experience with Tesla Technology and diligently engineered the PEMF8000 Device for quality and 20th Century State-of-the-art Science!

We research, develop & manufacture game-changing technologies for patients who have few treatment options they can count on.

You can find our devices in the homes of out-patients and in the offices of chiropractors, therapists, caregivers, and veterinarians in all four corners of the globe.

Because the results we achieve with our device are unmatched, we define the cutting-edge in the PEMF industry and is enhanced nu 2017 technology.

With these machines superior in power and results, it requires more of a financial investment. Depending on the technology, add-ons, and availability, most high-power PEMF machines range from $20,000 to $40,000.


About Charlie Farricielli

Charles E. Farricielli, President Director Welcome to the World of Natural Healing “Pulsed Electromagnetic Field Therapy” Discovery, and Electromagnetic Medicine and Science! PEMF WELLNESS TECHNOLOGY! PEMF8000 PEMF Wellness Technology LLC is a select group of professionals that have successfully partnered to manufacture PEMF8000 devices and additional most superior PEMF devices in the world. PEMF WELLNESS has injected promises of integrity, and an unshakable concern for sincerity to their consumers, furthermore a pledge to customer service and a paramount excellence in this extensive field of PEMF education and devices. PEMF Wellness Technology LLC has researched and discovered the most superlative Electromagnetic devices available in the market today. Our selections are based on Quality, Effectiveness, Power, Safety, Affordability, Customer service, Technology, and Factual testimonies. The partners at PEMF Wellness Technology truly believe in this scientific phenomenon and 21st-century discovery of PEMF (Pulsed Electromagnetic Discovery)! “Our passion is to deliver real pain relief, to re-create health, to incorporate wellness and to allow the human body to heal itself of all known disease. Our aspirations are to introduce this gift of health, this gift of life, and wellness to the planet. Our joy is the thought of simply trusting the belief that every PEMF machine will dramatically without question extensively improve someone’s life. ” Charlie Farricielli was quoted as saying in an interview with the PEMF Radio Blog Show. Charles E. Farricielli, President and Director Charles E. Farricielli founded a full service wholesale and retail florist business in West Haven, Charles E. Farricielli founded a full service wholesale and retail florist business in West Haven, CT in 1975 called Farricielli's Flower City, and has served as the company's President since 1975. Mr. Farricielli established Rose Express, Inc. in 1989 to operate a Rose Express in New Haven, CT as a retail store specializing in the sale of fresh cut roses, floral bouquets, greeting cards and other gift items available at drive-through and walk-up windows for quick and convenient pick-up. Mr. Farricielli has served as President of Rose Express, Inc since its establishment. Mr. Farricielli has also held the positions of President and Director of the Franchisor, Rose Express Franchise Systems, Inc. since it was incorporated in June of 1990. Currently, Mr. Farricielli is a member of the National Florist Council, serves on the Board of Directors of Roses International, holds memberships in the West Haven, New Haven and Milford Chambers of Commerce, and belongs to the Society of American Florists Services. He has been nominated to serve on the Board of the Small Business National Association and the International Entrepreneurs Association. Mr. Farricielli has been honored for outstanding support to the National Leukemia Society, has received the City of West Haven Merit Award, has actively participated in other community and charitable causes such as National Diabetes Foundation and helped take part in the World Special Olympics with Mr. and Mrs. Shriver
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