Boost the Immune System | PEMF Therapy | Reduce Inflammation

PEMF Therapy to Reduce Inflammation in the Body Boost the Immune System

inflamaton and PEMF

Inflammation is an important physiological process, but prolonged inflammation can indicate health problems, and it can negatively affect your quality of life. There are several things you can do to reduce inflammation in the body, including PEMF therapy.

What is inflammation?

Inflammation happens because your body identifies a threat. Your immune system tries to combat harmful stimuli, and inflammation is one of the ways your body tries to protect itself.

Different things cause inflammation. Acute inflammation may result from infection, injury or illness. Chronic inflammation may be caused by chronic conditions such as arthritis, or from an auto-immune disorder.

Inflammation isn’t always a bad thing. It’s actually a part of the body’s healing process. Injured areas swell or become inflamed because your body wants to protect that area.

However, inflammation becomes a problem when it lasts longer than it should, or  because there is unnecessary inflammation.

Inflammation can cause discomfort, irritation, pain, swelling, and redness. It can limit mobility and reduce range of motion. It can also cause disability and decrease a person’s quality of life.

So how can you reduce inflammation?

PEMF Benefits PEMF 8000

Eat an anti-inflammatory diet

The foods you eat, and the foods that you don’t eat, can influence inflammation in the body.

Some foods have been linked with increased inflammation. Reduce or cut out:

  • fried foods
  • highly processed foods
  • refined carbohydrates, such as white flour
  • soda and sweet beverages
  • foods using lard or margarine
  • peanuts
  • highly processed meats like breakfast sausage, bacon, and hotdogs

Some foods have anti-inflammatory properties:

  • tomatoes
  • olive oil
  • spinach
  • kale
  • fish with omega-3 fatty acids such as salmon and tuna
  • berries
  • grapes
  • oranges
  • cherries
  • almonds
  • walnuts
  • tofu
  • spices such as cinnamon, rosemary, ginger, garlic, and turmeric

Stay active

Staying active can help you maintain a healthy weight, which can help you manage inflammation. People who are overweight or obese tend to have more inflammation than those at a healthy weight.

Manage stress

Stress, depression, and anxiety have been shown to increase inflammation in the body. Stress management techniques can help reduce stress. Set aside time for yourself each day to improve your mood, relax, and manage stress.

  • Listen to soothing music.
  • Read a book.
  • Stretch or do yoga.
  • Meditate.
  • Color, draw, or paint.
  • Pick up a hobby.

Heat and cold therapies

Both heat and cold therapies can be used to relieve inflammation and the pain that often accompanies it. Cold therapy, or cryotherapy, is especially helpful in reducing inflammation in the body.Print

PEMF therapy

One of unique advantages of PEMF therapy for inflammation reduction is that it works to reduce inflammation on multiple fronts. PEMF therapy promotes improved immune response, it reduces inflammation directly, it can improve your mood and treat depression, it triggers the body’s natural healing processes, and it promotes overall wellness.

Pulsed electromagnetic field therapy is a safe and effective way to reduce inflammation, pain, and swelling in the body, and it provides numerous other health benefits:

  • improves immune response
  • improves circulation
  • oxygenates cells
  • helps you stay active
  • promotes healing and decreases recovery times
  • improves cell health and function
  • improve moos and decreases stress
  • FDA approved to treat anxiety and depression
  • improves cellular metabolism

Why choose PEMF therapy?

PEMF is a non-invasive and drug-free therapy that compliments other therapies and, together with a combination of regular exercise and a healthy diet, can aid acceleration of the healing process. However, individuals are advised to consult their physicals before changing any medication.

For pain

If individuals are living with constant pain, they would likely have already tried different forms of therapy; if unsuccessful they may have taken certain painkillers to conceal the pain and organize their daily routine around their pain.

This cycle is followed for such a long time that resistance builds up in the body. Long-term pain medication can also lead to other consequences such as internal bleeding and stomach problems. PEMFs can accelerate the healing process, reducing pain and allowing individuals to move more freely.

For sleep management

At EMF8000 one recurrent piece of feedback is that PEMF therapy improves people’s sleep quality. PEMFs are not only useful for deep relaxation but also help with falling asleep and sustaining sleep throughout the night.

PEMF therapy relaxes both the mind and the body and facilitates the release of two hormones called Melatonin and Human Growth Hormone (HGH), which are crucial for longevity and deep sleep, thus improving people’s sleep.

Through theta-delta frequencies, the brain is induced with the traditionally known frequencies for deep relaxation and sleep. Melatonin is one of the most vital hormones for anti-aging and sleep. PEMF therapy stimulates its production in the pineal gland.

HGH is another vital hormone that plays a role in deep sleep and is also stimulated by PEMFs. During deep sleep, both Melatonin and HGH hormones are produced which are also known to have anti-aging properties.

Deep sleep is promoted by PEMF therapy, thereby recharging the body and providing people with an increasing amount of energy during the day. Sleep issues should be tackled to ensure a good quality night’s sleep, because sleep revitalizes and heals the body. So, it is important to get plenty of sleep.

For mental focus

The programs in PEMF therapy promote an alpha state, wherein the mind is awakened but relaxed, and set to learn and simultaneously retain much more without continuous reviewing.

Beta brain waves are induced by another program, where the ability for data processing, problem solving, and multitasking is increased, allowing individuals to prevent distraction, have focused control, and be highly productive.

For stress reduction

Studies have demonstrated that when PEMF therapy is regularly used, it changes the body’s stress responses by directly acting on major related components, such as the endocrine and nervous systems, along with the cells or organs of the body.

In addition, PEMFs can make the body less reactive to extended episodes of stress. Transcranial PEMF was approved by the FDA in 2011 for treating severe, drug-resistant depression.

For injury, recovery and healing

Use PEMF therapy to prepare, perform and recover; if PEMF therapy is performed regularly, it allows muscles to work harder for a longer period of time and recover more rapidly. PEMF therapy triggers the process of energy production in muscles and also increases the cellular energy by as much as 500%.

In addition, PEMF therapy provides a gentle way to trigger the production of heat stress proteins prior to exercise. These proteins not only prevent the breakdown and wear and tear of cells, but also encourage accelerated healing from injury.

Studies show that with PEMF therapy, the uptake of oxygen into muscle increases by at least 1%, which is sufficient to considerably improve endurance and performance. PEMF therapy also stimulates blood vessel growth, which increases circulation further aiding tissues to receive their required nutrition, while expelling their generated waste.

For the casual exerciser, this means less pain and tenderness the day after activity. For the competitive athlete, this means reduced recovery time between training and more effective training. For everyone, it means building a healthier environment within the body, which is less likely to become susceptible to injury.

PEMF For Pain

Why do I need treatment at a cellular level?

The charge of the cell membrane is affected by magnetic fields, causing the membrane channels to open up. These channels are similar to the windows and doors of a house. When the cell channels are opened, nutrients enter the cell more easily and the cellular waste is more easily removed, helping to rebalance and restore optimum function of the cell.

If sufficient cells are restored, they will all perform more efficiently. The same type of cells come together to make tissues, which in turn come together to form organs. Therefore, when cellular function is restored or maintained, organ function is also restored or maintained, enabling the whole body to function in a better way.

Can anyone use PEMFs?

PEMF therapy should never be used if the applicators have to be placed over implanted electrical devices like intrathecal pumps, cochlear implants, and pacemakers. This precaution is taken to make sure that the magnetic field does not affect the performance of these devices.

Further than that, PEMF therapy can be safely used by everyone and anywhere. In addition, applicators can be placed over sensitive organs, for example prostate, over the eyes, and the brain. In effect, study has demonstrated that when applicators are placed the over the heart, they can improve congestive heart failure.

Can PEMFs protect me from future injuries and ailments?

Improper functioning of the cells, regardless of the reason, can lead to serious illness. Magnetic fields improve energy, circulation, and the repair process in order to protect against cell malfunction. They also help to increase unique stress proteins present in the cells.

Cell breakdown, caused by wear and tear, can be prevented by using these proteins, which also encourage rapid recovery from injury. Magnetic fields are capable of balancing bodily functions and tissues at extremely fundamental levels, even before problems and damage take place.

What is a PEMF therapy device and how does it work?

To apply PEMF therapy, an electrical current is run through a copper coil which produces a magnetic field. This has been incorporated into various types of devices, with a full body therapy mat being the most effective and oft-used device. One either lays on the mat or places the applicator in the region that needs to be treated. PEMFs will enter through the body targeting the muscle tissue, cells, and even bones.

While the use of PEMF therapy does not affect many people, there are some who can have mild adverse reactions. Since magnet therapies have a wide range of actions within the body, it is common to experience some mild discomfort, particularly when initiating treatment.

The majority of these reactions are temporary and mild. In people with electromagnetic hypersensitivity and electrical hypersensitivity, these reactions are not only increasingly common but also more uncomfortable, yet magnetic therapy is seldom discontinued in this situation. Usually, the issues can be resolved by slightly adjusting the treatment.

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What are the best pulsed electromagnetic field therapy machine reviews | How do PEMFs work

What are the best pulsed electromagnetic field therapy machine reviews! How do they work?

Magnet Therapy PEMF

The power of the magnet is one of the most basic powers in nature. We know that magnetism itself was an ingredient in the primordial soup from which the universe and our planet came forth. Magnetism is the force that keeps order in the galaxy, allowing stars and planets to spin at significant velocities. And in a sense, our own planet’s magnetic field is responsible for protecting all life on earth.

Dr. R. Broeringmeyer says that 6,000 years ago the earth’s magnetic field measured 3 Gauss. People lived longer and archeological evidence shows they were healthier. We believe this was because of the benefits of the earth’s stronger magnetic field. Today, the average measurement of this field is less than 1 Gauss. Dr. K. Nadagawa learned from his study on Magnetic Field Deficiency Syndrome that the human body is under the influence of the earth’s magnetic field and, under modern day conditions, the effect of this field has been decreasing. By applying a magnetic field on the human body to supplement this decrease and this deficiency, abnormal conditions may be corrected.

A few years ago it was believed that there was basically no difference between North and South Pole energy and either side of a magnet was considered useful for any health problem you might encounter. However, research now reveals there is a definite difference between the two opposing forces.

Magnet Therapy

North Pole Energy (also called Negative energy) contains electrons which spin left (counterclockwise) while South Pole Energy (also called Positive Energy) has electrons which spin right. Interestingly, for the body, negative energy’s effect is positive and positive energy’s effect is sometimes negative. Thus, when you go somewhere to buy a magnet, don’t buy a bi-pole magnet which has both North and South Pole energy on the same side or a horseshoe magnet which does something very similar. Also, realize that different fields of magnetic use have different ways of labeling North or South poles.

Dr. Robert O. Becker, M.D. provided a very important fundamental observation concerning magnetic response and therapy. He showed that when an injury occurs, the injured area registers magnetically positive (south pole). After a few hours the site of the injury without any outside magnetic influence registers negative (north pole). What this shows is that north pole energy is a sign of healing while south pole energy is a signal of injury and disorder.
Since North and South Pole energy are attracted to each other, it is quite simple to determine which is which. When you wish to identify North Pole, you need a compass with its north seeking needle This works because the earth itself is a huge magnet with both a North Pole and a South Pole. The South pole of the magnet will always face North no matter how many times it spins because it is North seeking. Since like repels like, you can also use a correctly marked North Pole magnet. .

Why is it that so many different illnesses have been reportedly Treated although seemingly mysteriously with Pulsed Electromagnetic therapy (PEMF)?

Professor Holger Hannemann of Switzerland states: “This is now easy to understand when you keep in mind that many illnesses are the result of the same basic dysfunction. Every illness is a bio-energetic (electrical) breakdown of the organism. It is a sign that the cells have been deprived of energy and the defense mechanism weakened. It is then the task of Pulsed Electromagnetic therapy (PEMF) to remove the blockages that get in the way of normal functioning.

Cell Change PEMF8000

North Pole Negative Energy’s Effect On Your Body
According to the BIOMAGNETIC HANDBOOK by Dr. William H. Philpott & Sharon Taplin, North Pole Energy produces the following effects in the body:

North Pole Negative Energy's Effect On Your Body

From 1950 to 1990, Dr. William H. Philpott, M.D., practiced and specialized in psychiatry, neurology, electroencephalography, nutrition, environmental medicine and toxicology. He was a founding member of the Academy of Orthomolecular Psychiatry, and a fellow of the Orthomolecular Psychiatric Society and the Society of Environmental Medicine and Toxicology. From 1970 to 1975, Dr. Philpott conducted a research project to identify the causes of major mental illness and degenerative disease. This research resulted in the publication of two books: Brain Allergies: The Psychonutrient and Magnetic Connections and Victory Over Diabetes. In 1990, After forty years of medical practice, Dr. Philpott retired and dedicated the rest of his career to researching magnetic therapy and to helping doctors in the field of orthomolecular medicine understand its use. During this time, Dr. Philpott compiled extensive data on the use of the negative magnetic field as a therapeutic agent for virtually every pathological condition in human health. In-depth discussions and protocols can be found in a series of newsletters and manuscripts published by Dr. Philpott from 1995 to 2005. It was also during this time that Dr. Philpott published two more books Bio-Magnetic Handbook and Magnet Therapy, the latter of which, is the book that Dr. Philpott is best-known for. In 1998, Dr. Philpott was presented with The Linus Pauling Award by The Orthomolecular Health Society for his “scientific leadership and scholarship spanning the entire history of orthomolecular medicine.”

Clinical observations of Dr. William Philpott
North Pole
Negative Polarity (-)
South Pole
Positive Polarity (+)
fights infection accelerates microorganism growth
relieves pain increases pain
reduces inflammation can increase inflammation
encourages restorative sleep stimulates wakefulness
increases cellular oxygen decreases cellular oxygen
normalizes acid balance encourages high acid levels
supports biological healing inhibits biological healing
reduces fluid retention increases edema
pulls fluids and gases pushes fluids and gases
reduces fatty deposits encourages fatty deposits

clip_image010 1. Provides Oxygen to the Cells: Since the cells are weak magnets containing both a positive and negative charge, the cell assumes the polarity of the magnetic field around it. Thus the counterclockwise spin of North Pole energy pulls oxygen into the cell.

clip_image010[1] 2. Normalizes the Acid/Alkaline Balance: North Pole Negative energy is alkalinizing yet doesn’t over-alkalinize with the effect of normalizing the pH. An over-acid system produces allergies, toxic states, sore/stiff muscles, chemical hypersensitivity and many disease states. Insect bites also produce an acid state in the body which often overpowers the immune system.

clip_image010[2] 3. Encourages Deep Sleep: During sleep the polarity of the brain and central nervous system switches to negative magnetic energy. Placing the body and particularly the brain in a negative magnetic field encourages deep sleep by magnetically charging the crystals in the Pineal Gland which respond by producing Melatonin which in turn regulates sleep patterns and even brain response.

clip_image010[3] 4. Builds Immunity: All known microorganisms whether bacterial, viral or fungal and parasites whether tape worms, pin worms, heart worms, etc, are positive magnetic energy driven and therefore can be stunned or retarded by the application of North Pole Negative. They are further damaged by the oxygen now in the cells and the alkaline environment produced by the North Pole Negative energy.
One woman who was unable to work or go out into society because of extreme environmental sensitivity, found that a flexible magnet placed inside a hat on top of her head made it possible for her to go inside a mall for up to 2 hours at a time!

heathly cell change with PEMF treatment

clip_image013 5. Reduces Fluid Retention: Intercellular edema (meaning inside the cells) is reduced when Negative North Pole energy is introduced to it because it helps normalize the action of the Sodium/Potassium Pump and gets the Sodium out of the cell and the Potassium in it. The excess fluid is then carried away by the blood and lymph. Extracellular edema (meaning outside the cells) exists in areas without drainage capacity like your eye, sinuses and joints is helped by putting the North Pole Negative energy to the side of the affected area so the fluid will be drawn away and toward an outlet.

clip_image014 6. Relieves/Stops Pain & Other Symptoms: Since pain is usually a symptom of an imbalance in pH and/or inflammation of the area, pain often simply disappears because there is no longer a need for it.

clip_image014[1] 7. Promotes Mental Acuity & Reasonableness: The North Pole Negative energy also normalizes abnormal electrical firing in the brain and calms an electrically overcharged brain.

clip_image014[2] 8. Aids in Reducing & Dissolving Fatty Deposits: The North Pole Negative energy is alkaline and therefore neutralizes the acid in fatty tissue thereby dissolving the substance. This is done very slowly. Don’t expect results overnight.

clip_image014[3] 9. Aids in Reducing Fat & Calcium in the Circulatory System: Along with the aforementioned neutralization of fatty deposits, the increased cellular activity further stimulates movement of the hemogobin in the blood vessels thus decreasing deposits in them.

PEMF8000 Biomagnetic-field

Some doctors prefer only North Pole, whereas others prefer South Pole for treatment. Dr. Albert Roy Davis, U.S.A. is an ardent supporter of single pole use in his treatment. His book ‘the Anatomy of Bio-magnetism’ states: Treatment indications

Magnetic Therapy in its natural state is the dominant North Pole field of the Earth dominating over the life processes of the body. With a full magnetic field from the Earth the body goes through many actions to promote good growth, strengthen tissue and fight disease and damage from accidents or injury. However most of the Earth does not have a full magnetic field. Scientists tell us that as a normal process the Earth’s poles reverse approximately every 5,000 years. This could explain the loss of a lot of dinosaur. As we move to this polarity switch, in about 2,000 years, the Earth’s magnetic field is lessening. With a decreased field the body is not always able to make all the changes it should and it makes it unable to successfully protect itself. An interesting note is that there are only four places left on Earth with full magnetic fields. Two habitable and two are not. The not are the North Pole and the South Pole. The habitable are Sedona, Arizona and Lourdes, France – both known for healthy living and healing. They can be thought of as East and West Poles.

In Discovery of Magnetic Health, George J. Washnis reports that millions of people annually visit Lourdes, France where greater north pole magnetic fields prevail. As a result of bathing, drinking and dabbing the water of Lourdes on their body, “All seem to feel better as pain and stress are relieved, while over 2,000 inexplicable cures (with 65 so-called miracles) have been recognized by the authorities.”

Magnetic Therapy works by affecting our blood. Normally the blood operates in a North Pole orientation, or under a North Pole effect. In this polarity the blood is oxygenated and its process of distributing nutrients and pulling wastes and toxins from injured tissue is made most efficient. When the body is ill or injured the polarity of the site is switched by the body to a South Pole orientation. This creates faster, excited movement meant to draw blood cells to the area for healing. The blood does not work well in a South Pole orientation. Its movement does not allow normal function and an acid state is developed, which micro-organisms, viruses and malignance thrive in. *The chart below shows the affect of North and South Pole applications on the body.* Once the blood has been drawn to the area, the body, with the help of the Earth’s magnetic field is supposed to change the polarity of the blood back to a North Pole orientation so positive activity by the blood may take place.


Today, there are researchers such as William H. Philpott, M.D., George J. Washnis with Richard Z. Hricak, Robert O. Becker, M.D., Albert Roy Davis and Walter C. Rawls, Jr. and Kyoichi Nakagawa of Japan are learning more and more about the effects of magnets on the human body.

The problem is that with a reduced magnetic field the body can not always make this necessary conversion and the injury/illness area is left in a South Pole orientation thwarting good cell growth with its acid effect and slowing the healing process. Without blood removing wastes and toxins from injury/illness sites they are left there to fester and become unwanted bursas or arthritic tissue or bad calcification.

The increase in conditions like Arthritis, Rheumatoid Arthritis, Fibromyalgia, ADD, ADHD and a multitude of cancers and other Auto-Immune system diseases have increased with the decrease of the magnetic field.

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Other problems are slow healing in fracture sets and longer recovery periods of disability after accidents. Another sign of this is the great increase in repetitive motion injuries in every form of business and sport. The answer in many cases is Proper Polarity Magnetic Therapy

How essential is magnetism to living organisms? The Smithsonian Institute determined that sharks and insects obtain up to 90 percent of their energy from the Earth’s magnetic field rather than from food. Both sharks and insects are highly resistant to viral infectious diseases, including cancer, even though insects do not have an immune system. Dr. William Philpott believes magnetic energy is our first line of defense. He describes our immune system as our second line of defense.
Discovery of Magnetic Health—George Washnis 1993,

How Magnetic energy works

Dr. J.H. Vandyk and Dr. M.H. Helpern did research for NASA in which they raised mice in specially prepared metal cages that shielded them from the electromagnetism of the Earth. Within a few weeks the animals lost their fur and began to die. The connective tissue in their skin and internal organs showed signs of uncontrolled growth. Additional animals raised in a normal environment during the same study remained healthy.
Magnetic Therapy—Holger Hanneman 1990


Results of this study found that prolonged exposure to static magnetic fields for a period of 64 hours inhibited growth of three human tumor cell lines in vitro.43 This study examined the effects of a rotational magnetic field on a group of 51 breast cancer patients. Results showed a significant positive response in 27 of them.44

Results of this study indicated that exposure to a rotational magnetic field inhibited Walker’s carcinoma tumor growth as much as 90 percent in some cases.45 Results of this study indicated that pulsed magnetic field stimulation increased the incorporation of antitumor agents into cells, and thus increased antitumor activity shifting the cell cycle to a proliferative from a non-proliferative phase.46

Results of this study found that 20-30 sessions of magnet-otherapy administered preoperatively exhibited antitumor effects in patients suffering from lung cancer.47 This study examined the effects of microwave resonance therapy (MRT) in patients suffering from various forms of cancer. Results showed that MRT treatment prior to surgery reduced the spread of cancer-associated conditions and reduced the risk associated with surgery in 87 percent of patients. MRT applied postoperatively had beneficial effects in 68 percent.50

Results of this study proved that the combination of weak pulsed electromagnetic fields with antioxidant supplementation is beneficial in the treatment of patients suffering from tongue cancer, improving speech, pain control, and tolerance to chemotherapy.51 Results of this controlled study indicated that treatment with a constant magnetic field significantly improved long-term (3-year) survival time in patients undergoing radiation therapy for cancer of the throat. Constant magnetic field therapy consisted of the application of 300 mT for 30 minutes to tumor and metastasizing regions immediately prior to each irradiation.52

Results of this Russian study indicated that the use of whole body eddy magnetic fields, coupled with more conventional cancer therapies (including magnetotherapy) is effective in the treatment of patients suffering from a variety of different malignancies.53

This article reports on the case of a 48-year-old-woman with breast cancer who was treated successfully with magnetotherapy. Infiltration showed a marked decrease following 30 whole body exposures to an eddy magnetic field for 60 minutes. One metastatic node disappeared while the size of others was reduced following 60 such exposures. A total regression of tumor and metastases was seen following the completion of a course of 110 exposures.54

This study examined the effects of whole body magnetic fields (16.5-35 G, 50-165 Hz) on patients suffering from different forms of cancer. Treatment consisted of 15 cycles, each 1-20 minutes in duration, and was coupled with more traditional cancer therapies. Results showed that the magnetotherapy had overall beneficial effects, particularly with respect to improved immune status and postoperative recovery.55

by Gary Null

By applying a structured North Pole magnetic field, using magnets or a pulsed magnetic field generator, we can convert the polarity of the blood in the injury/illness area allowing the blood to work as it should, pulling wastes and toxins away to the kidneys and other cleansing organs, clearing a path for good cell growth aided by the nutrients the blood can now deliver. Simple and totally natural. Use a Natural field to act as a catalyst to normal blood functions. The body can now heal itself naturally. Of course if there are broken bones or vertebrae out of place the magnets will not do it alone, this is time for a good chiropractor. Magnetic Therapy is only a piece of the health pie allowing us to avoid in many cases unnatural medicines and sometimes making surgical procedures unnecessary. Magnetic Therapy works great on many conditions and studies are coming up with more uses every day. Like the positive effects of drinking North Pole magnetized water for those with conditions like the Arthritis’s, Fibromyalgia, Gout and ADHD to name a few. People are having great success but that’s not a reason to avoid health professionals. After all without good diagnosis what do we treat? Magnetic Therapy works as well on Horses, Dogs and Cats as it does for people.

Pulsed Magnetic Fields (i.e. Magnetic Pulser)
The purpose of this treatment is to disable microbes that are not floating around in the bloodstream, but are “hiding” in root canals, the lymph system, the stomach area, etc. This is a very important part of the Bob Beck protocol for wellness

Apply a natural North Pole magnetic field. Convert the polarity of the blood to the North Pole orientated working polarity. Let the body heal itself. What is more natural than that?

Relief from Pain and Discomfort Energy Enhancement Asthma and Bronchitis
Reduction of Inflammation and Improved Circulation Quicker Healing Breast Fissures
Increased Athletic Endurance and Performance Antimicrobial Effects Burns
Stress Reduction Aging Cancer
Correction of Central Nervous System Disorders Arthritis Cervicitis
Carpal Tunnel Syndrome Circulatory Problems Depression
Rheumatoid Arthritis Heart Disease Fibromyalgia

How PEMF works

The Magnetic Effect
A magnet or electromagnet produces an energy field Each pole of a magnet produces a different effect;

Has a counter-clockwise rotation
Inhibits Relieves pain
Reduces inflammation
Produces an alkaline effect
Reduces symptoms
Fights infections
Supports healing
Reduces fluid retention
Increases cellular oxygen
Encourages deep restorative sleep
Produces a bright mental effect
Reduces fatty deposits
Establishes healing polarity
Stimulates melatonin production
Normalizes natural alkaline PH

In 1923 Soviet biologist Alexander Gurwitsch, who initiated research with the belief that all physical and biochemical reactions all have as their essence electromagnetic energy, proclaimed, “Every living cell also produces electromagnetic currents.” Another Soviet researcher, Georges Lakhovsky was also convinced that the human body and therefore the cells in that body are equipped with biological receivers that react to every stimulus in the environment. He stated, “Every cell in a body is stimulated by the resonating interaction of the rhythmical flow of electromagnetic currents.” It is clear from this research that the Earth’s magnetic field is intended to provide each cell in our body with the magnetic and electrical energy that they need to survive. Since it has been established that this energy is deficient, it is necessary to supplement this if we want to live our lives to their fullest potential of health and length of life.

Has a clockwise rotation
Excites Increases pain
Increases inflammation
Produces an acid effect
Intensifies symptoms
Promotes microorganisms
Inhibits healing
Increases fluid retention
Decreases tissue oxygen
Stimulates wakefulness
Has an over productive effect
Encourages fatty deposits
Polarity of an injury site
Stimulates body function

In theory if you are using an alternating (AC or Bi-Polar) field, a combination of North and South poles applied at the same time, with prolonged use you will get an over stimulation of the condition being treated. Eventually the South Pole energy you are adding to the South Pole field of the injury Illness site will overcome the small amount of North Pole energy applied. At that time your body will be affected by the symptoms of the South-Positive field.

Raymond Elliott C.A.M.

Certified in Applied Magnetics
International School of Magnetic Therapy

So, are Pulsed Electro magnetic therapy( PEMF) Products necessary? It is obvious from Reading and listening to many experts that the answer is yes. Does the polarity of a magnet that you are putting on your body matter? It appears that our bodies are similar in response to any electrical device. What happens if you put the batteries in backwards? IT DOESN’T WORK! What happens if we put the batteries in backwards into a sensitive electrical device and leave them there for a long time? The device is destroyed. Take care of your body and give it the HEALING ENERGY that it deserves, with a properly designed Pulsed Electro magnetic therapy( PEMF) System.

Now you can give your body
Pulsed Electromagnetic therapy( PEMF)

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PEMF- Benefits | PEMF Wellness Technology | PEMF 8000

PEMF is a benefit for Mankind from infant to the geriatric.  PEMF will lead to a change in the paradigm of medicine.

Dr. Linus Pauling — Double Nobel Prize Winner

Over 2,000 studies have proven the cellular and biological effects of PEMF:

Cellular Effects of PEMF

  • Improves Intercellular Fluid and Blood Flow
  • Stimulates the Production of ATP
  • Increases Cellular Energy Levels
  • Increases Cellular Oxygen Levels
  • Promotes Cellular Healing
  • Stimulates Inter-Cellular Communication
  • Stimulates Electron Transport In Cells

Biological Effects of PEMF

  • Significant Pain Relief
  • Accelerates Tissue Repair
  • Accelerates Cell Growth
  • Increased Blood and Lymph Flow
  • Promotes Faster Healing of Injuries
  • Reduces Fibrous Tissue Formation
  • Reduces Swelling and Inflammation
  • Stimulates The Release of Endorphins

PEMF works to

  • Reduce pain and the effects of stress on the body
  • Reduce chronic inflammation
  • Improve energy, circulation, blood and tissue oxygenation, sleep quality, blood pressure and cholesterol levels, the uptake of nutrients, cellular detoxification and the ability to regenerate cells
  • Balance the immune system and stimulate RNA and DNA
  • Accelerate repair of bone and soft tissue
  • Relax muscles
  • Reduce stress

What is an electromagnetic field? What are PEMFs?

If you have ever held two magnets in your hands, tried to force them together, and felt a resistance between them, then you have experienced a magnetic field. That type of magnetic field is produced by a static magnet and is called a static magnetic field.

A changing magnetic field (such as a magnetic field moving through a coil) generates an electric field (which would drive a current in the coil). This forms the basis for many electrical generators and motors. Similar to the way that a changing magnetic field generates an electric field, a changing electric field generates a magnetic field. Since the magnetic field is being generated by an electric current, it’s called an electromagnetic field – a physical field produced by moving electrical charges. PEMF stands for Pulsed Electromagnetic Field.

Magnetic fields affect the behavior of any other charged objects in the vicinity of the field. This is the fundamental basis for their therapeutic use. Our bodies are electric – every heartbeat generates electromagnetic waves throughout the blood vessels of the body, stimulating tissues at a cellular level. External magnetic fields and the normal electric and electromagnetic fields produced by the body interact. So, a magnetic field passing through our whole body will have an electromagnetic effect on each of our 70 trillion cells. As a result, magnetic fields act in basic and fundamental ways on molecules and tissues. They affect the most basic functions of all cells—human, animal, and plant included.

What are some basic cell functions, and how do magnetic fields facilitate them?

Some of the basic actions of a cell are to generate energy to eliminate waste, to repair and regenerate itself, and perform its predetermined functions based on the cell’s type and location in the body. Magnetic fields cause or increase motion of ions and electrolytes in the tissues and fluids of the body. It’s both easy and quick to move an ion or electrolyte in a living organism using magnetic fields. This movement stimulates a vast array of chemical and electric actions in the tissues of the body, helping them to rebalance or heal themselves where necessary.

All cells need energy to function. Cellular energy requires ATP (Adenosine Triphosphate) and is fundamental to all cell and body functions and is necessary to sustain life itself. ATP regulates cell metabolism by transporting chemical energy within our cells. Low ATP levels cause our cells to be sick, and decreases their ability to heal, regenerate, or function properly. Through the increased motion of ions and electrolytes, magnetic fields help cells increase their energy (or “charge”) by up to 500%.

Why do I need treatment at a cellular level?

Magnetic fields also affect the charge of the cell membrane, which allows membrane channels to open up. These channels are like the doors and windows of a house. By opening cell channels, nutrients are better able to enter the cell, and waste is more easily eliminated from the cell. This helps to rebalance and restore optimum cell function. If you restore enough cells, they will all work more efficiently. Cells of the same type come together to make tissues, and those tissues come together to make organs. So, by restoring or maintaining cellular function, you will, in turn, restore or maintain organ function, allowing the entire body to function better. We all know that the body ages over time. Maintaining the function of every individual cell at an optimal level every day is an important part of slowing aging.

Can PEMF therapy protect me from future illnesses?

Cellular “injury”, the state of a cell when it is not healthy, leads to disease conditions. Magnetic fields protect against cell injury by improving circulation, repair processes, and energy, and increasing special stress proteins in the cells. These proteins are used to prevent cell breakdown and wear and tear, as well as help speed recovery from injury. Magnetic fields balance cells, tissues and bodily functions at very fundamental levels, even before damage and problems become obvious to you.

I thought magnetic fields were bad for me.

There are distinct differences in the effects of devices at various frequency ranges, from extremely low frequencies (ELFs), to very low frequencies (VLFs), to microwave level frequencies, radio frequencies, infrared and ultraviolet frequencies, and more. Most magnetic field exposure risk comes from power lines and cell phones, because of their particular exposure times or field strengths and frequencies. These frequencies and intensities, known as electro-smog, can induce heat in the tissues of the body and modify genes, and therefore can damage cells. Most PEMF devices we recommend produce frequencies in the ELF to VLF range, since they do not induce heating actions. The home-based devices we promote have carefully selected frequencies which are most natural and balancing to the body. Our recommended treatment devices have a very safe track record – even the much higher intensity and frequency diagnostic MRI machines have been found to be safe to the people that operate them daily, as long as the safety directions are followed.

For more detailed information about the safety of PEMF therapy, see our safety section.

How quickly will my illness or health issue improve?

Minor imbalances in individual cells can be rebalanced very easily before they become an obvious problem. Regrettably, many people wait until they have a significant health issue before they seek treatment with a PEMF system or get a magnetic system for their own home use. By this time, some problems have become too deep-seated to reverse, and only symptom control remains possible. It is important to say that PEMFs are not expected to cure disease. Their role is to stimulate the various functions of the body so that the body can better support and heal itself. Understanding the extent of a health problem will help the individual to have realistic expectations of the time required to produce expected or desired results. If the problem took a long time to get to where it is now, PEMFs may take a long time to give the greatest benefit – and may never produce hoped-for results if the damage is too great. That doesn’t mean they won’t work, and it doesn’t mean you won’t get significant health benefits. We need to respect the body’s healing timelines and processes, and work positively with them. When treatment is begun, the order of healing will follow the body’s own wisdom of what tissue and symptoms will be cleared first, second, etc. Patience and acceptance of this natural order will aid in the healing process.

Which system is the best?

You wouldn’t walk into a pharmacy and ask for the best medication to make you healthy without first discussing what problems you are trying to treat—the same is true of PEMF systems. Some health problems require higher intensity fields to get the best benefit. Some require a wider range of frequencies. Sometimes a person’s sensitivity determines which system is best for them. Sometimes affordability is the primary concern. There are a variety of PEMF systems available because there is no one “best” system. Only when we understand what health issues are of greatest concern to an individual can we begin to determine which system is most likely to achieve the desired results. Our experience is that most PEMF systems will provide at least some benefit, even if not the optimal system.

What can I do to improve the effects of PEMFs in my body?

Since most of the effects of magnetic fields happen because of how they act on ions, especially calcium, sodium, potassium, and magnesium, these ions and electrolytes need to be at the right levels in the body. It is difficult to heal depleted tissues without sound nutrition. Supplements may also be quite helpful for magnetic therapy to be most effective. Dr. Pawluk usually recommends magnesium supplementation and adequate amounts of daily water. Additionally, some individuals (particularly women) need extra melatonin to optimize health while using PEMFs.

What are some of the basic beneficial actions PEMFs will have in my body?

Increased Circulation

One of the most basic functions magnetic fields have in the body is to increase circulation. When a cell (such as a red blood cell) is injured or ill, it does not hold its ideal charge. This causes red cells to “stick” together, making circulation slow. When a magnetic field passes through the red cell, the membrane becomes properly charged, allowing the cell to repel itself and keep itself separate from other red cells, thereby increasing circulation. In addition, PEMFs increase various chemicals in the blood vessel walls that cause the blood vessels to dilate, improving the amount of blood flowing through the vessels and therefore increasing the amount of oxygen delivered to the tissues.

Poor circulation makes tissues unhealthy and prone to disease and breakdown. Improved circulation helps tissues get the nutrition and oxygen they need, while expelling the waste they produce. Good circulation helps with tissue healing and regeneration. The result of improved circulation is the reduction of swelling and the removal of bruising.

Enhanced Muscle Function

Muscle energy, needed for muscles to work, is developed through a process called Myosin Phosphorylation. Myosin is muscle, and phosphorylation is energy (ATP) production. Optimal energy allows muscles to work harder and longer, and recover more quickly from their work. Muscles that are contracted or in spasm are better able to relax, decreasing tension and reducing the pain caused by spasm.

Decreased Inflammation

Inflammation is a cascade of physiologic processes initiated by the body to repair cellular damage in tissues by increasing the blood flow to the damaged area and increasing the number of good inflammatory cells. The process of inflammation is generated and supported by the interaction of a number of immune cell types, with other cell types (like T cells) playing a regulatory role in the cascade effect. Inflammation is a necessary and beneficial process, but it often persists longer than necessary, resulting in chronic inflammation. Chronic inflammation is frequently a cause of chronic pain. PEMFs have been found to reduce chronic, damaging inflammation. Inflammation can be initiated by many causes, and knowing the nature of the cause is important in designing therapeutic approaches.

T cells are a major regulator of the inflammatory cascade. In bacterial infections, early infiltration of the affected tissues by white blood cells is followed by the arrival of T cells, which kill bacteria. In this circumstance, eliminating of T cells can delay or stop healing. Conversely, in trauma-induced injury, T cells are less important to the healing process, and may be harmful if present for too long. In this case, elimination of T cells can minimize the unwanted effects of inflammation, accelerate healing, and reduce the risk of chronic inflammatory diseases. In chronic inflammatory diseases such as rheumatoid arthritis, psoriasis, or tendinitis, T cells support the persistence of the disease state, and removing them would be favorable.

Research shows us that PEMFs can induce the appropriate death of aged, chronic T lymphocytes, by actions on T cell membranes and key enzymes in cells. For example, PEMFs affect ion flow through specific cell membrane channels (like those for sodium, potassium, and calcium), which positively affect these enzymes.

Stress Reduction

Stress is part of being human. Normal stress, called eustress, is necessary for survival. Too much stress is very harmful to the body, and accelerates aging. Stress is responsible for at least 65% of our illnesses, so stress reduction is necessary for all of us. Stress-reducing activities performed only now and then will allow too much stress-related damage to accumulate over time. Therefore, stress reduction must be a daily activity. Magnetic fields have many stress-reducing effects. Daily use of PEMFs help to wash away the negative effect natural stresses have on our bodies.

Bone Healing

Magnetic fields pass through the body – even the bones – as if the body wasn’t even there. PEMFs work to repair bones, whether they are damaged by surgery, injury, or disease, and have been found to improve bone regeneration such as occurs with osteoporosis and osteopenia, among other bone destroying conditions.

Blood Oxygenation

Just as a fire cannot burn without oxygen, our cells cannot produce heat and energy without oxygen. Our lungs extract oxygen from the air we breathe. It passes into our blood and is carried by arteries away from the heart and delivered to the rest of the body, including all the organs. PEMFs help with the process of extracting oxygen out of the air we breathe and help it to be transported into the circulation. The absorbed oxygen is then transported through the body to all the cells, where it is absorbed into the individual cells. In the cells, enzymes and other basic cell energy production processes use the oxygen for cell metabolism, the energy necessary to function properly. The metabolism of an organism determines which substances it will find nutritious and which it will find harmful. Proper blood-oxygen levels at the cell level (not just in the blood) allow this process to continue quickly and efficiently. After the oxygen exchange takes place, veins carry deoxygenated blood and metabolic waste products away from those same cells and back to the heart for recycling again.

The purpose of this document is to provide a basic understanding of how magnetic fields, especially PEMFs, work in the body. In addition to these basic balancing actions, magnetic fields also help with many other functions and conditions, and new ones are discovered regularly.

Some of these other actions include:

  • reducing muscle tension
  • improving tissue healing
  • reducing pain
  • increasing energy
  • improving clotting factors
  • slowing the development of arthritis
  • stimulating the immune system
  • helping the body to detoxify
  • improving the uptake of nutrients
  • reducing blood pressure
  • helping nerve function
  • helping liver function
  • balancing the acupuncture meridians
  • improving sleep
  • making soft tissue more flexible
  • reducing arthritic changes

Taken from Dr. Pawluck’s web site

PEMF For Preventative Care

All cells in our bodies have a life cycle – some are replaced daily, others weekly, others annually, and some only every 7 years. It is an important aspect of health maintenance that we ensure new cells are ‘born’ into a healthy tissue environment. It is equally important that old cells die, as they should. This is the cycle of life, and daily use of PEMFs can help keep the cycle running smoothly.

Taking care of problems as they arise is the key to keeping the body balanced. Neglected problems – or accumulated stress – unbalance the body quickly and tend to cascade into new problems, creating a downward spiral of worsening health.

Problems in the body have degrees of involvement and different tissues are involved in different injuries. To this point, there are what we consider to be “layers” or levels of disease: the energetic level, physiologic level, pathophysiologic level, and pathologic level. The level at which a disease or injury is present will determine how much regeneration or healing can take place unassisted.

Problems in the energetic level can be fixed quickly and require little extra cellular energy. Physiologic-level problems may take several days to improve. Once there is some level of pathology (such as in the pathophysiologic level, like most chronic issues) the healing process takes much longer to become noticeable—and may never be able to heal on its own. Pathologic level problems are not capable of being resolved without swift and dramatic intervention.

The many intra- and inter-cellular processes and activity stimulated by PEMF therapy lead to faster cellular and tissue regeneration.

The body heals itself in many ways – either somewhat rapidly in response to a disease, a wound, or loss of tissue, or slowly over time, as part of normal functioning. Regeneration refers to the regrowth of lost tissues, and happens in response to injury or disease. Wound healing refers to the closing up of an acute injury with scar tissue. While we know the skin readily regenerates or heals, other tissues have long been thought to have no regenerative capabilities. But as research and time progresses, we are learning more and more that most all cell types can be stimulated to repair, regenerate, and heal themselves.

Regeneration and wound healing require a great deal of cellular communication and adaptation to take place. In the case of eyes, for example, cells expand and eat up old matter daily. Bones are “new” every seven to ten years. Non-injured skin is completely replaced every two weeks or so. Cell turnover slows as we age, but never stops completely, continuing until death.

Basic regeneration (that which does not happen as a result of injury) is part of normal cell function. Cells are always dividing, growing, and eating up their older or injured neighbors (this is called autophagy). This does not require any outside stimulation, although such stimulation can enhance and ease the process. Injury-induced regeneration and wound healing require significantly more energy and adaptation.

Whether or not it is as a response to injury, the process of cell regeneration is the same: a cell’s contents must be copied. DNA is made up of two strands, each able to serve as a template for a new strand. DNA synthesis or replication requires existing proteins to split and reassemble. RNA messengers help with the transfer of genetic information from the existing cell to the nucleus of the newly formed cell. This process requires electrical energy.

Since magnetic fields interact with and increase natural electrical charges, PEMF therapy can assist with this information transfer. These benefits of PEMF therapy are frequently seen with wound healing and often with tissue regeneration.

Besides injury, one of the biggest threats to overall health and wellness is stress, and life is loaded with it. Our reactions to stressors are either healthy (adaptive), or unhealthy (maladaptive). For example, when your body temperature rises, you sweat. This is a healthy response to a stressor. Over time, however, stress is like water wearing down rock—it has cumulative effects. If you continue to sweat without replenishing your fluids, the sweating, which was originally a healthy response, causes you to become dehydrated, an unhealthy occurrence.

Our bodies respond to stress in many ways. When a stressor presents itself (whether it be an angry client on the phone, a packed schedule, or bad traffic), our bodies produce a low-level “fight or flight” response. This response causes the brain to release chemicals that stimulate the nervous system. Adrenalin is pumped into the bloodstream along with extra sugar and fat to fuel muscles. Mental activity is focused; some organs slow their activity while others are accelerated—muscles tense up, breathing rate increases, there may be tightness in the chest or queasiness in the stomach. These reactions are present in varying degrees depending on the stressor.

The cumulative or chronic occurrence of even mild stressors may not allow adequate or full recovery from these responses, and result in very real and increasingly widespread health problems. Stress reactions hasten the decline of our overall health by actually damaging some organs and accelerating the wear and tear on others. Stress accelerates the aging process, and can cause heart disease, diabetes, arthritis, fatigue, immune problems, anxiety and depression, and many other problems. Whenever there is muscular tension, as is often caused by stress, the blood supply to the tissues involved is diminished. If allowed to linger within the body, these tensions can cause fibromyalgia or chronic fatigue syndrome. It is likely that stress is responsible for close to 70% of the problems seen by today’s doctors.

Research has shown that daily use of PEMF therapies alter stress responses by acting directly on the nervous system, glands, cells, tissues, and organs. By acting on the hypothalamus and increasing urine excretion of adrenaline, PEMFs have been shown to inhibit activation of the sympathetic nervous system and adrenal glands, while preventing a decrease in the body’s ability to resist stress. With continued use of magnetic therapies, the excitability of the nervous system also decreases, and emotional reactions accompanying stress are corrected. Long-term use of PEMFs may be able to help the body remodel tissues that tend to be hyper-reactive to chronic or acute stress, so that over time they will become less and less reactive.

Stress also causes a very quick and significant decrease in white blood cell counts, creating a sudden state of immune vulnerability, such as may be caused by lack of sleep or travel. PEMFs increase host resistance by enhancing some immune functions.

Stress reactions are immediate but recovery takes hours, and sometimes days. Since the effects of stress are cumulative, a daily routine of reducing the physiologic response becomes necessary to ward off long-term damage. We all have a need to neutralize the effects of daily stress before they become noticeable as disease.

In addition to stress, the natural aging process also affects our overall health. Cellular turnover slows as we age. Eventually, cell division happens more slowly and less efficiently until cells are dying faster than they are replicating. Breaks in the body’s electrical system, as happens with aging, cause problems with cell communication and cell metabolism. With magnetic field therapy, the breaks are repaired, and with daily use, maintained. PEMFs actually promote the body’s production of its own ATP (which fuels cellular energy), activating the cellular antioxidant defenses across the whole body.

Additionally, magnetic field therapy helps to restore neuron-transmitters, cellular communication, and brain function. It increases blood oxygen levels and circulation. With continued use, PEMFs can begin to balance blood sugar, blood pressure, and cholesterol levels. Because magnetic fields decrease pain and inflammation, diseases like arthritis are better controlled. As cellular energy increases, immune system functions are boosted.

Health maintenance with magnetic therapies is made much easier with regular use. Daily use doesn’t require us to play catch-up. Imbalances can be rebalanced before we even become aware of them. Nature has a tendency to kick us while we’re down. PEMFs can help prevent us from going down in the first place.

Visit Dr. Pawluk’s web site for much more on PEMF

The History of PEMF

The first scientific discovery of the healing and therapeutic values of electro-magnetic pulse has an interesting back-story.  It begins when the telegraph copper cable was being laid in the ocean between London to NY. When there was a break in the cable, the technicians had to determine exactly where the break was. After all, they couldn’t just send a diver down into the depths of the ocean with a flashlight. Instead, they sent a high voltage pulse of electricity. Wherever the electric charge hit a break in the cable, it would jump and create a spark gap which made a noise. Acoustical equipment on a ship near-by could hear the sound. They were then able to send a diver down to the exact spot where the noise was coming from. Technicians on land would then shut off the electricity, and the diver would fix the break in the cable. But the men on land feeding the pulse through the cable with the high voltage machine noticed an interesting phenomenon: various pains that they had been suffering from disappeared.   So what’s the story and history of PEMF?

Cleopatra was probably the first royal celebrity to use magnets. Stories say that she slept with a Lodestone (magnetic stone) to keep her skin youthful.  The therapeutic knowledge was passed to the Greeks who have been using magnets for healing since 2500 BC.  Aristotle and Plato also referred to the benefits of Lodestones in their work.  In the East, magnet therapy has a long history in traditional Chinese, Japanese, and Korean folk medicine.  Reliable documentation tells us that Chinese doctors believed in the therapeutic value of magnets at least 2,000-3,000 years ago.  Five hundred years ago, Paracelsus, a Swiss physician and alchemist, wondered if diseases could be manipulated by magnets, using lodestone as the best magnets available then.  But natural lodestone are quite weak and few people paid much attention to his ideas until the discovery of carbon steel magnets in the 1770s.  During the 1800s, most of the discoveries relating electricity to magnetism were made by the early pioneers of modern physics: Gauss, Weber, Faraday and Maxwell.  In 1898, Nikola Tesla published and delivered a paper at the 8th annual meeting of the American Electro-Therapeutic Association in Buffalo, NY.  Tesla stated that one of the early observed and remarkable features of pulsed magnetism was its apparent harmlessness, which made it possible to pass relatively great amounts of electrical energy through the body of a person.  This unique property of the human body indicates an inherent adaptation and perhaps innate compatibility toward the presence  of high voltage electric fields, probably due to high trans-membrane potential already present in cellular tissue.

On April 12, 1961, Russian cosmonaut, Yuri Gagarin, became the first man in space.  Yet, for his one hour and 48 minutes of making a single cycle around the earth, the man paid a heavy price.  He came back to earth in near-critical condition, in spite of having had sufficient water, food and oxygen. He had severe bone loss, muscle degeneration, decreased metabolism, loss of perception/disorientation, and debilitating depression.  The question of what caused Gagarin’s physical debilitation had to be answered before another flight was scheduled. Within short order, the puzzle was solved.  It was Gagarin’s separation from the natural pulsed magnetic energy of the earth that was the problem. Since that initial flight, all space-suits and space-stations have been equipped with pulsed magnetic devices. Science has documented that all living cells need exposure to pulsed magnetic fields; without this exposure, for even short periods of time, the effects on the body are the same as what Gagarin experienced.  Within hours of non-exposure to the pulsating magnetic field of earth, cells die.

Since the 1970s, pulsed electro-mgnetic field (PEMF) therapy is used to stimulate bone repair in non-union and other fractures, and it is approved by the FDA.  Powerful electro-magnets are also used in brain and muscle research to generate currents strong enough to fire nerves that trigger sensations and flex muscles.  Today, thousands of studies around the world are showing its benefits in healing soft-tissue sounds: suppressing inflammatory responses at the cell membrane level to alleviate pain, and increase range of motion.  PEMF is now being investigated experimentally for osteoarthritis, stress incontinence, migraines, and many other conditions.

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CORONAVIRUS – PEMF | PEMF8000 and Corvid-19

CORONAVIRUS – PEMF | PEMF8000 and Corvid-19covid19 pemf

See below for some useful information regarding Corona virus.
    From member of the Stanford hospital board.

    This is their feedback for now on Corona virus:
The new Coronavirus may not show sign of infection for many days. How can one know if he/she is infected? By the time they have fever and/or cough and go to the hospital, the lung is usually 50% Fibrosis and it’s too late. Taiwan experts provide a simple self-check that we can do every morning. Take a deep breath and hold your breath for more than 10 seconds. If you complete it successfully without coughing, without discomfort, stiffness or tightness, etc., it proves there is no Fibrosis in the lungs, basically indicates no infection. In critical time, please self-check every morning in an environment with clean air.

Serious excellent advice by Japanese doctors treating COVID-19 cases:
Everyone should ensure your mouth & throat are moist, never dry. Take a few sips of water every 15 minutes at least. Why? Even if the virus gets into your mouth, drinking water or other liquids will wash them down through your throat and into the stomach. Once there, your stomach acid will kill all the virus. If you don’t drink enough water more regularly, the virus can enter your windpipe and into the lungs. That’s very dangerous. Please send and share this with family and friends. Take care everyone and may the world recover from this Coronavirus soon.
If you have a runny nose and sputum, you have a common cold
Coronavirus pneumonia is a dry cough with no runny nose.
This new virus is not heat-resistant and will be killed by a temperature of just 26/27 degrees. It hates the Sun.
If someone sneezes with it, it takes about 10 feet before it drops to the ground and is no longer airborne.
If it drops on a metal surface it will live for at least 12 hours – so if you come into contact with any metal surface – wash your hands as soon as you can with a bacterial soap.
On fabric it can survive for 6-12 hours. normal laundry detergent will kill it.
Drinking warm water is effective for all viruses. Try not to drink liquids with ice.
Wash your hands frequently as the virus can only live on your hands for 5-10 minutes, but – a lot can happen during that time – you can rub your eyes, pick your nose unwittingly and so on.
You should also gargle as a prevention. A simple solution of salt in warm water will suffice.
Can’t emphasis enough – drink plenty of water!
It will first infect the throat, so you’ll have a sore throat lasting 3/4 days
The virus then blends into a nasal fluid that enters the trachea and then the lungs, causing pneumonia. This takes about 5/6 days further.
With the pneumonia comes high fever and difficulty in breathing.
The nasal congestion is not like the normal kind. You feel like you’re drowning. It’s imperative you then seek immediate attention.

At the moment, the illness commonly called the corona virus is a matter of worldwide importance. On January 30, 2020, the World Health Organization declared the outbreak of this respiratory disease caused by a novel (new) coronavirus a “public health emergency of international concern.” (PHEIC).
As of Mar 11, 2020, there have been 121,230 confirmed cases globally, 4,378 deaths and 120 countries with cases.

There is global concern that this virus could conceivably end up causing a pandemic like the Spanish flu. To put that into perspective, the Spanish flu pandemic of 1918, the deadliest in history, infected an estimated 500 million people worldwide—about one-third of the planet’s population—and killed an estimated 20 million to 50 million victims, including some 675,000 Americans.
Scientists are particularly concerned because there is no known cure for the current coronavirus, and the course of an acute infection with this virus is unpredictable. The epidemic has already had significant impacts on the economy and travel and put a strain on healthcare and public health services.

Suffice it to say, then, the “coronavirus disease 2019” (“COVID-19”) epidemic, like other similar epidemics before it, requires careful attention. Both as individuals and collectively, we should consider taking various strong preventive measures including routinely recommended public health measures and probably more aggressive actions as well.

That said, it’s important to maintain a sense of perspective. So far at least, more people die per year from influenza viruses, which are by far more common, than from COVID-19.

The cause of death from “coronavirus disease 2019,” is usually due to acute respiratory distress syndrome (ARDS). ARDS can also be induced by other viruses including influenza and respiratory viruses that cause viral pneumonia, either community-acquired or from Herpes viruses.

Pandemic viruses head the list of respiratory viruses that can affect the lung and cause ARDS, with influenza viruses H5N1 and H1N1 2009 being the most recently identified. Other viruses, however, can also cause severe ARDS. Notably, another novel coronavirus was responsible for the severe ARDS outbreak in 2003. Still, apart from these pandemic viruses, the vast majority of respiratory viruses rarely cause viral pneumonia and ARDS.

So, what can be done about respiratory virus infections and ARDS? Below, I will discuss two measures most other sources of recommendations will not. Both may be helpful not only to prevent but also to treat those infected.

But first, some background.


This coronavirus, first detected in China, has now been detected in 60 locations internationally including the United States. The virus has been named “SARS-CoV-2” and the disease it causes has been named “coronavirus disease 2019” (abbreviated “COVID-19”).

Source and Spread of the Virus

Common human coronaviruses, including types 229E, NL63, OC43, and HKU1, usually cause mild to moderate upper-respiratory tract illnesses like the common cold. Most people get infected with one or more of these viruses at some point in their lives. Human coronaviruses can sometimes cause lower-respiratory tract illnesses such as pneumonia or bronchitis. This is more common in people with cardiopulmonary disease, people with weakened immune systems, infants, and older adults.

Coronaviruses are a large family of viruses that are common in people and many different species of animals, including camels, cattle, cats, and bats. Rarely, animal coronaviruses can infect people and then spread between people. This was the case with MERS-CoV, SARS-CoV, and now with this new virus (named SARS-CoV-2).

The SARS-CoV-2 virus is a betacoronavirus like MERS-CoV and SARS-CoV. All three of these viruses have their origins in bats. The sequences from U.S. patients are similar to the one that China initially posted, suggesting a likely single, recent emergence of this virus from an animal reservoir.

Early on, many of those infected at the epicenter of the outbreak in Wuhan, China had some link to a large seafood and live animal market. This suggests animal-to-person spread. Later, a growing number of patients reportedly did not have exposure to animal markets. This indicates person-to-person spread. Person-to-person spread was subsequently reported outside China, including in the United States.

Doctors believe person-to-spread occurs between individuals who are within six feet of one another. The ill person sneezes or coughs, and respiratory droplets reach the other person’s mouth or nose or are inhaled. Person-to-person is likely the means by which the current coronavirus illness is most commonly spread.

Some scientists also speculate that a person can catch the virus by touching a surface or object on which it is present and then touching his or her mouth, nose, or possibly even the eyes.

Additionally, some international destinations now have apparent community spread of the COVID-19 virus. This means some people have been infected who are not sure how or where they became infected.

Risk factors for severe illness include older people and individuals with chronic medical conditions including diabetes, hypertension, and cardiovascular disease.

Clinical picture

Both MERS-CoV and SARS-CoV have been known to cause severe illness in people. The complete clinical picture with regard to COVID-19 is not fully understood, but reported illnesses have ranged from mild to severe, including illness resulting in death.

The incubation period is estimated at ~5 days (range, 4-7 days). Data from human infection with other coronaviruses (e.g. MERS-CoV, SARS-CoV) suggest the incubation may range from 2-14 days. Frequently reported signs and symptoms include fever (83–98%), cough (46%–82%), muscle aches or fatigue (11–44%), and shortness of breath (31%) at illness onset. Other symptoms may include sore throat, sputum, headache, spitting up blood, and diarrhea. Fever may be prolonged and intermittent. Asymptomatic infection has been observed even with chest CT scan abnormalities.

The potential for clinical deterioration is more likely during the second week of illness. Among patients with confirmed COVID-19 and pneumonia, just over half developed shortness of breath about 8 days after illness onset (range: 5–13 days). In one report, the average time from illness onset to hospital admission with pneumonia was 9 days, results likely reflecting underlying general health, immune vitality and other health conditions.

In more severe cases, ARDS developed in 17–29% of those hospitalized, secondary bacterial infection developed in 10%, and median time from symptom onset to ARDS was 8 days. 23–32% of those hospitalized with COVID-19 and pneumonia required intensive care for respiratory support. Other reported complications include acute cardiac injury, arrhythmia, shock, and acute kidney injury. Among those hospitalized with pneumonia, the case fatality proportion has been reported as 4–15%. Because this mortality rate is only for those hospitalized, it is higher than would be true in the community. Chest CT images have shown bilateral involvement in most patients.

SARS-CoV-2 RNA has been detected in blood and stool specimens, but whether it is infectious from these sources is unknown. It is possible that viral RNA could be detected for weeks, which has occurred in some cases of MERS-CoV or SARS-CoV infection. Viable SARS-CoV virus has been found in respiratory, blood, urine, and stool specimens. Viable MERS-CoV, however, has only been isolated from respiratory tract specimens. It is unknown yet whether COVID-19 would have any of these properties.

Cytokine storm

covid19 pemf help

From Tisoncik

A recent article in The Lancet, “Clinical features of patients infected with 2019 novel coronavirus in Wuhan, China” notes there are high levels of circulating inflammatory cytokines, a so-called “cytokine storm,” in more severe infections with COVID-19.

Cytokine release syndrome (CRS), is a systemic inflammatory response syndrome as a complication of infections. When severe it has been called cytokine storm. CRS occurs when large numbers of white blood cells are activated and release inflammatory cytokines, which in turn activate yet more white blood cells (WBCs). These WBCs are activated by infected cells that die.

This cytokine release occurs when the immune system is fighting invading organisms. Cytokines signal WBCs to travel to the site of infection. In addition, cytokines activate those cells, stimulating them to produce even more cytokines, and so on, and so on, hence a “storm” develops.

This “cytokine storm” can trigger a viral sepsis in coronavirus infection, where viral replication and excessive, uncontrolled systemic inflammation can lead to pneumonia, ARDS, respiratory failure, shock, organ failure, secondary bacterial pneumonia, and potentially death. This same scenario connecting cytokine storm and severity of illness was observed before in both SARS and MERS patients.

Thus a rapidly spiraling infection with COVID-19 can lead to cytokine storm and hence a rapidly changing downward health spiral. Preventing cytokine storm is an important component of a strategy to control the more severe possibilities involved with COVID-19 infection.

Since ARDS can result from other respiratory viruses, the same concerns about cytokine storm apply to them as well.

Treatment and prevention of COVID-19 infections

At this time, there is no vaccine to protect against COVID-19 and no medications are approved to treat it. The CDC says ”non-pharmaceutical interventions would be the most important response strategy.”

This means the CDC recommends you avoid touching your face if you can remember not to and wash your hands frequently and thoroughly before eating, after using the bathroom, after you cough, sneeze, or blow your nose, and whenever you notice your hands are dirty. You should wash for at least 20 seconds using soap and water when available and an alcohol-based disinfectant that’s at least 60% alcohol if they’re not.

If you cough or sneeze, cover the cough or sneeze with a tissue and then toss the tissue in the trash. Avoid close contact with those who are sick, and if you’re the one who’s sick, stay home.

To guard against possible infection from surfaces or objects on which the virus is present, disinfect them. Switch wipes often, and wipe in one direction. If you go in both directions, you can remove contamination only to lay it right back down on the surface again. Remember to leave surfaces wet for long enough to kill viruses, The label on the container will often tell you how long that is.

These common-sense recommendations have a certain value, but clearly, in light of this rapidly expanding coronavirus epidemic, new approaches to dealing with this infection are needed urgently. The purpose of this blog is to recommend two options for helping with COVID-19 prevention and treatment. These include the use of vitamin D3 and the use of PEMFs.

Vitamin C

There are reports of intravenous (IV) vitamin C being used in China to treat COVID-19.  There are also apparently several studies in looking into the use of vitamin C for this purpose.

The primary limiting factors in doing IV vitamin C is to find a source and the cost. There are many holistic, integrative, alternative medical doctors around the US who provide this service.

A significant media disinformation campaign is being mounted to discredit this possible option.

While it’s possible that vitamin C taken orally may help with maintaining antioxidant status of the body, is not known whether it can help with treating or preventing COVID-19. The main limiting factor in using vitamin C is gastrointestinal tolerance. Dr. Thomas Levy has written a book about the viral killing properties of vitamin C. (Levy)

Vitamin D3

Vitamin D3 has been found to have immune modulation and antiviral properties. (Zdrenghea, Beard)

In vitro studies show that vitamin D has immunomodulatory functions including inhibiting cell proliferation, inducing cell differentiation and apoptosis in normal human cell types (normal human bronchial epithelial cells and monocyte‐derived macrophages), and decreasing proinflammatory cytokine production. In addition, vitamin D increases antiviral protein production, suggesting an important role in antiviral protection. These functions are discussed in turn below.

Vitamin D decreases pro-inflammatory cytokines in the lung. It also facilitates intracellular adaptive immunity by decreasing pro-inflammatory cytokines and increasing anti-inflammatory cytokines and regulatory WBCs. In a study, 4000 IU per day of D3 for 2 months, as compared to 400 IU per day, significantly reduced activation. (Konijeti)

Human airway cells have vitamin D receptors. These airway cells can produce increased antimicrobial peptides. These peptides have been found to have antiviral activity with Influenza A and RSV. The mechanism is destabilizing the viral envelope.
At this point, there is no proof that vitamin D lowers viral load. Still, vitamin D may be significantly helpful in preventing infection by stabilizing the immune system and the health of the respiratory cells. It may also be useful in helping to fight an ongoing infection.

Studies have shown that vitamin D deficiency increases susceptibility to acute viral respiratory infections, especially those caused by enveloped viruses like the coronavirus. Levels of Vitamin D deficiency are more common during the winter, when respiratory virus infections are more common. A number of studies have shown that respiratory infections correlated with vitamin D deficiencies are more common in both healthy individuals and those with respiratory disorders, such as asthma.

Children with asthma who received vitamin D3 supplementation were less likely to develop upper respiratory infections. (Zdrenghea) Vitamin D replacement as adjunctive therapy may accelerate inflammation resolution in hospitalized COPD patients. (Dastan)

The recommended form of D for supplementation is vitamin D3 [cholecalciferol]. Vitamin D3 has been shown to be 87% more potent in raising and maintaining serum 25 (OH)D concentrations and to produce up to 3‐fold greater storage of vitamin D as compared with vitamin D2. Also and importantly, vitamin D3’s protective effect against respiratory infections relies on daily dosing. For example, 250,000 IU of D3 given once was found to significantly affect D3 levels after 5 days, but after 90 days this effect was lost.

Results of studies for the use of vitamin D to prevent airway infections are inconsistent. This is the result of research protocols that vary significantly as to the type of D used, whether it was taken daily or intermittently, and types of test subject/patient groups with differing health conditions.

The safety profile of vitamin D supplementation is similar for doses of 400, 4000 and 10000 IU/day. (Billington) Even in vulnerable children, higher doses appear to be safe. (Dougherty) Vitamin D3 35,000 IU/day given over 6 months was found safe. (Finamor)

Because the use of vitamin D 3 supplementation even at high doses has not been found to cause significant risk and may be helpful in preventing and treating respiratory infections and improving immune function, the use of higher doses of vitamin D to protect against coronavirus infections appears to be safe and reasonable.

As a result, I am recommending a daily dose of 10,000 IU of vitamin D3. I’ve been taking this level myself for several years with no significant health issues.


This topic is covered in more depth in my book Power Tools for Health: how pulsed magnetic fields (PEMFs) help you. Therefore I will only provide a summary of the value of PEMFs in dealing with infections here and only deal with viral infections. Please note that there is no research evidence to support the use of PEMFs specifically to help with coronavirus infections at this time.

Still, that being said, since PEMFs provide some benefits in the management of other types of infections, it is worth considering the use of PEMFs to help with not only dealing with viruses specifically but also with keeping tissues healthier to decrease the likelihood of infection and help recovery from current infections. Through much of the book and on the website, we cover the many different aspects of PEMFs and how they help to support the body.

Inadequate approaches to dealing with infections focus too often on simply dealing with the infectious agents themselves by employing mostly antibiotics, antifungals, antivirals, etc. Both consumers and members of the medical community may rely exclusively on such methods, but they do not constitute a complete solution. We should certainly get rid of the infectious agents themselves, but we should also improve overall health of the body to fight the infection and repair tissue damaged by the infection. The sooner and the more aggressively we act to support the body and regenerate and heal damaged tissue, the sooner the patient will recover to regain full health. This is especially important in dealing with infections in the lungs.

A PEMF applied to herpes virus-infected cells did not affect the growth and viability of the cells. However, the viruses developing under PEMF exposure had mainly defective viral particles. This weakness would therefore give the PEMF an opportunity to heal the tissue while potentially rendering the virus less active.

Viral infections stimulate the production of natural, nonspecific inhibitors including interferon. After infections, these can be detected in fluid, tissues and cells in vivo and in vitro.

Cellular resistance to virus injections in cultures of animal and human cells exposed to PEMFs and the production and characterization of antivirus substances induced by these exposures has been studied. PEMF exposures were uniform 60 Hz of 1 gauss. Laboratory exposure of cells to the PEMF for at least twenty-four hours induced (1) a state of significant cellular resistance to virus challenge by adenovirus type 5, herpesvirus Type 1, coxsackievirus B3, and vesicular stomatitis virus and (2) the production of substances that markedly suppress virus infections when transferred to unexposed cells. The virus suppressor substances induced by the magnetic field are importantly neither virus- nor species-specific, are not apparently interferon-like, and help control virus replication.

This becomes important in dealing with coronavirus since what we are talking about is a general adaptation response of the body to any viral invasion. Since only one Gauss was used in this study, in a lab setting, the intensity of the magnetic field becomes an essential question with regard to controlling viral invasion. To this end, it’s important to know that decreasing inflammation in the tissues in general for health maintenance is important to reducing the risk of invasion by viruses. From this perspective, this blog is illuminating in terms of dealing with inflammation and the appropriate magnetic field intensity needed to help with infection, especially when it reaches the lungs.

In various studies, PEMFs have been found to significantly decrease cytokine levels by decreasing inflammation. Clearly, it would be better to prevent cytokine storm from happening than to have to deal with it after the fact. I strongly recommend using PEMF therapies for the whole body or perhaps simply to the lungs at the onset of any kind of upper respiratory infection. PEMF therapy can be applied to the upper chest to stimulate the thymus gland, which is the source of T lymphocyte cells. These cells are important for regulating responses to infections and inflammation.

For those who already own and are using PEMFs on a regular basis, whole body units with intensities greater than 70 Gauss or higher intensity systems with body pads are both appropriate for daily use for preventive purposes. Otherwise, I recommend higher intensity whole body PEMF systems for your protection, preventing infection, and treating it as necessary. Very low intensity whole body systems (which are not carried on or systems of less than 70 Gauss cannot be expected to provide enough protection or benefit.

PEMF therapies work best when bodies are properly supported with adequate lifestyle approaches such as proper rest, healthy nutrition, the use of supplements, stress reduction, healthy mental and spiritual attitudes, proper activity and/or exercise, etc. The possible use supplements is too complex a subject to deal with fully here, but we should note that at the very least they increase antioxidant support, boost the immune system, support sleep, and provide natural anti-infectives.


The “coronavirus disease 2019” (“COVID-19”) epidemic, like other similar epidemics before it, requires careful attention and consideration of various preventive measures including routinely recommended public health measures and other more aggressive measures. Similar measures can be reasonably applied for other types of respiratory viral infections commonly seen in the winter. Such measures should be strongly considered especially for those most vulnerable. These aggressive measures include starting or increasing the daily intake of vitamin D3 at the level of at least 10,000 IU per day and initiating or continuing higher intensity PEMF therapies daily to the whole body and/or to the lungs. This therapy can be administered at home.


· Beard JA, Bearden A, Striker R. Vitamin D and the anti-viral state. J Clin Virol. 2011 Mar;50(3):194-200.

· Billington EO, Burt LA, Rose MS, et al. Safety of High-Dose Vitamin D Supplementation: Secondary Analysis of a Randomized Controlled Trial. J Clin Endocrinol Metab. 2019 Nov 20. pii: dgz212.

· Dastan F, Salamzadeh J, Pourrashid MH, et al. Effects of High-Dose Vitamin D Replacement on the Serum Levels of Systemic Inflammatory Biomarkers in Patients with Acute Exacerbation of Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease. COPD. 2019 Aug;16(3-4):278-283.

· Dougherty KA, Schall JI, Zemel BS, et al. Safety and Efficacy of High-Dose Daily Vitamin D3 Supplementation in Children and Young Adults Infected With Human Immunodeficiency Virus. J Pediatric Infect Dis Soc. 2014 Dec; 3(4): 294–303.

· Finamor DC, Sinigaglia-Coimbra R, Neves LC, et al. A pilot study assessing the effect of prolonged administration of high daily doses of vitamin D on the clinical course of vitiligo and psoriasis. Dermatoendocrinol. 2013 Jan 1;5(1):222-34.

· Huang C, Wang Y, Li X, et al. Clinical features of patients infected with 2019 novel coronavirus in Wuhan, China. Lancet. 2020 Feb 15;395(10223):497-506.

· Konijeti GG, Arora P, Boylan MR, et al. Vitamin D supplementation modulates T cell‐mediated immunity in humans: results from a randomized control trial. J Clin Endocrinol Metab. 2016;101:533–538.

· Tisoncik JR, Korth MJ, Simmons CP, et al. Into the eye of the cytokine storm. Microbiol Mol Biol Rev. 2012 Mar;76(1):16-32.

· Zdrenghea MT, Makrinioti H, Bagacean C, et al. Vitamin D modulation of innate immune responses to respiratory viral infections. Rev Med Virol. 2017 Jan;27(1).

· Luyt CÉ, Combes A, Trouillet JL, et al. Virus-induced acute respiratory distress syndrome: epidemiology, management and outcome. Presse Med. 2011 Dec;40(12 Pt 2):e561-8.

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Reading for Anyone Seriously Considering a PEMF Device or PEMF Machine! 

You Must Read!

“Don’t Buy an iMRS, MRS 2000, Bemer 3000, QRS Quantron, Medithera, Magnopro, Curatron, MAS System, Ondamed, Pap-imi, PMT-100 or PEMF 100, MG-33 or MG-Pro, Pulsed Energy Tech or any PEMF (Pulsed Electromagnetic Field) Therapy Device Until You Read This.”

PEMF Therapy

We’ve personally tested all the devices described in this article and we express our unbiased opinion.

If you don’t have time to read this whole article, here is a summary:

Best Affordable Basic 20,000 Gauss PEMF Device

Best Affordable Deluxe 20,000 Gauss PEMF Device


Honored as one of the best pulsed electromagnetic field devices available today, the PEMF8000 DELUXE has demonstrated to many Clients, customers, and Doctors to be a truly effective and most durable device.

Our PEMF8000 engineer’s team created a state of the art equipment, with over 20 years of experience with Tesla Technology and diligently engineered the PEMF 8000 device for quality and 21th Century State-of-the-art Science!

Terms and conditions :

  • Unconditional 3 Years Warranty
  • Limited Lifetime Warranty

The technical element is entrenched in a very durable military-grade pilot suitcase, which has a retractable handle and dual stainless steel bearing wheels so one can easily pull it behind for easy transportation.

PEMF8000 Mobile Deluxe Unit weights 42 lbs and measures 22″ x 14″ x 9″. PEMF8000 Mobile, is our first device ever produced, is extremely user-friendly. The Case unit displays power on/off switch and a start and stop button all combined with intensity/frequency knob.

The PEMF8000– model is housed in a rolling suitcase and is ideal for those intending to travel with the device. Includes: Control unit

  • Single Gel-loop coil
  • Double-butterfly coil
  • Mattress
  • Gel Loop
  • Gel Rope
  • Power cord

Control Box: 17” L x 14” D x 26” H
2.1 Tesla 20,000 Gauss max
Waveform: Square
Weight: 41 lbs
Loop coil: 24-inch diameter, 12-foot lead
Butterfly: 7-inch diameter loop, 12-foot lead
Timer: 3 Minutes to 30 minutes


What are PEMFs?

Pulsed electromagnetic field therapy, also known as PEMF, is the way of stimulating the body at a basic cellular level by the use of electromagnetic fields.

PEMF devices activate electrical and chemical processes inside the body by emitting health-promoting and beneficial EMFs (don’t mix up bad EMF and good EMF, I’ll explain difference later in this article), which boost body functions and overall health.

This has many advantages for the body, such as reduced pain and stiffness, quicker bone regeneration, more mobility in muscles and joints, and also helping to treat depression and other issues.

PEMF literally works at a microscopic level.

There are more than 75 trillion different cells in our body, and each one has its own frequency.

Together, these frequencies create a homeostasis, or balance, in our system.

When we use a PEMF device, it communicates with different areas in the body that are damaged, and tries to restore each cell’s function.

When all the cells are operating properly, they are much more capable of inducing a positive effect on your health.

For more than 30 years, PEMF therapy has been extensively studied; even Dr. Oz featured this topic in a show of his:

The beneficial properties of PEMF devices have been proven by this research conducted by various researchers, but also by anecdotal evidence from its widespread use by a huge number of therapists, doctors, and chiropractors.

Among them, NASA’s scientists are the most eager to learn more about PEMF and to put it into practice.

NASA became interested in PEMF because astronauts began experiencing depression once they were away for a long time from the magnetic field that the Earth emits.

Through observation, they realized that the magnetic field’s frequency of 7.8 Hz (so called “fundamental Schumann resonance“) benefits us significantly every day.

When we are not around this magnetic field for a longer time, out body stops functioning properly.

However, this magnetic field has been decreasing naturally in the last several millennia.

Some might say that this decrease is happening too fast for our bodies and genes to adapt to it.

Moreover, the presence of electro smog produced by microwaves, computers, smartphones, and other tech affects us all the time, as well.

That is why PEMF is so important to restore proper cellular function.

All these stresses strain our cells, which hinders their natural metabolism.

PEMF therapy restores cellular health by emitting healthy EMFs at beneficial frequencies.

Therapeutic PEMF devices are developed in such a way as to enhance cellular energy through stimulation of various electrical and chemical processes in our body, which boosts cell function and health.

PEMF, therefore, is a simple, effective, and fast way to strengthen the healing properties of every cell in our body.

It is 100% safe, and the therapy can be received in so many different ways.

There are a multitude of options of PEMF devices available for sale, so it is really important to choose a good one.

When you move further away from the source of PEMF, its strength decreases substantially.

Some PEMF devices on the market are of questionable quality, and therefore cannot emit the quality of field that they advertise.

Also, considering the price of some devices in this category, you need to understand all pros and cons of each device to make educated purchasing decision.

We understand that it is highly unpractical for regular consumer to buy and test PEMF machines that can cost up to $5,000 (and in some cases up to $30,000), so hopefully you’ll find our research useful.

We’ve personally tested each device and all opinions expressed in this article represent our genuine feelings.

Reviews of Low Intensity PEMF Machines

Medithera Home System

This PEMF device is a brand-new health and wellness system that is intended both for home and clinical use.

It was developed in Germany by researchers who made it with the idea of being in balance with nature.

This device features a full body mat, a control unit, and a small pillow pad applicator.

Additionally, it features an optional probe applicator that treats localized smaller areas.

The Medithera Home System is not hard to use. In order to get the most out of it, you just need to place it on your preferred surface: Floor, bed, or sofa, and lie on it.

There is no need to remove jewelry or clothes since PEMFs can penetrate any material very easily and reach your cells.

Finally, the Medithera is very light, portable, and easy to set up.

Frequency: 1-1000 Hz Sinusoidal with Sawtooth Carrier Signal (higher frequencies are present in every setting)

Waveform: Only Sawtooth, does not have NASA’s square wave.

Intensity: 0.75 – 75 uT (doesn’t have pure magnetic field or sensitive setting)

Includes: Full body pad, control unit, and a pillow pad device

Cost: Initial price $2495.00

Warranty: 3 years


§ $600 rental deposit

§ Includes programs for specific health issues, such as a migraine, skin issues, and more.


§ No light and sound accessories

Omnium1 PEMF Mat

Omnium1 was developed, engineered, and designed in Switzerland.

It works on an Android platform which allows it to operate like a normal tablet that we use to surf the web, download Android applications, and send and receive emails.

Its main mission is to provide a convenient and joyful experience.

Omnium1 operates by using one control unit to monitor, evaluate, and perform analog applications, such as PEMF therapy and brainwave entertainment.

These are several aspects that it has that I find great:

§ It works up to 6 hours on one charge.

§ It comes with a back pad that can be used in the car when you travel.

§ Easy to use and select settings.

§ Some people claim that its effects are stronger because it is very thin, so your body is closer to its copper coils.


§ Intriguing promised benefits

§ Completely portable

§ Comes with an Android tablet

§ Amazing technology


§ It’s expensive (starts at $2995)

§ Requires frequent use and commitment


The Magnopro is a great device that can be used at home for self-care.

Overdosing with it is impossible since it is completely safe and very gentle.

However, it still has a recommended daily usage limit that is no more than half an hour 2-3 times per day.

You can use it easily and set it up quickly. There is no need to remove jewelry, clothing, or your credit card before turning it on.

However, it is advised that you drink some herbal tea, water, or other liquid before you undertake the treatment.

After that, all you need to do is to lie on it, relax, and choose your preferred program.

The pillow pad should be placed on the part of your body that needs the most attention.

This device was developed in Australia nine years ago.

Ever since then, it has not undergone any significant changes or improvements.

It uses very high frequencies that can go as high as 1000 Hz, intensities higher than usual, doesn’t have a biorhythm clock, has few accessories, cannot be upgraded, and doesn’t feature NASA’s square wave.

Moreover, it doesn’t have a sensitive setting. Because of the sine wave that it utilizes, the user may become accustomed to the waves it emits after some time.

Finally, the Magnopro does not meet NASA’s criteria for the quick rise and fall required for optimal healing and regeneration.

The following people should not use the Magnopro:

§ Pregnant women

§ People with pacemakers

§ People with transplants

§ Those with fever

§ Those with bleeding


§ Deep action like a laser

§ Initial price is $1,890

§ Long-lasting stimulation

§ Acupuncture: Its pen is great for adults and children afraid of needles


§ Very high frequencies (as high as 1000 Hz)

§ Does not have a biorhythm clock

§ No NASA’s Square Wave

iMRS 2000

Intelligent Magnetic Resonance Stimulation, or iMRS 2000, stands for one of the most popular and best devices for PEMF therapy worldwide.

Its benefits are completely based on Schumann intensities and frequencies. And it comes with a built-in biorhythm clock.

This device has been very important for PEMF enthusiasts for longer than 15 years.

It is regarded as a popular and reliable device by many professionals.

Moreover, its waveform is the well-known square wave that has many positive effects on healing and regeneration.

This is probably one of the most well-developed PEMF devices available today.

It can be programmed completely, and it is fully digital, but also has great applicators and accessories.

Along with this PEMF device, an iMORE biofeedback system is included, as well as the iGUIDE database with 284 protocols.

Frequency: 0.5 – 25 Hz Sinusoidal with Sawtooth Signal Waveform, square wave featured on the pad and the probe.

Intensity: ~0 – 100 uT (begins at picotesla range 10^-12).

Cost: Minimum $3575.00

Includes: Full body mat, computer, small probe and pad (part of a complete set); optional sound and light machine

Warranty: 3 Years


§ Programmable, digital, upgradable

§ Uses only brain-state and earth-based frequencies

§ Uses science-supported sawtooth waveform with the full body mat


§ Quite expensive (Lowest price is $3575.00)


MRS 2000+ Designo

The name of the MRS 2000+ Designo is short for Magnetic Resonance Stimulation.

This is a PEMF machine that works by utilizing natural intensities and frequencies, as well as follows your biorhythm clock.

This is among the most popular PEMF devices in the world.

What makes this device so great and successful is that it only requires two sessions a day of at least 8 minutes to experience the amazing health benefits.

According to space-based studies conducted by both Russia and NASA, PEMF does not only have health benefits, but it is necessary for survival.

As a matter of fact, an electromagnetic field is a necessity just like food, water, and sleep.

Because of our modern lifestyle, all people are strongly influenced by electrosmog and EMF pollution, so we don’t get enough exposure to Earth’s beneficial magnetic field.

This device is therefore important because it will negate the bad effects of PCs, smartphones, TVs, and so on, but also give us healthy Earth-like magnetic energy, and in that way set us up with several hours of electromagnetic protection.

Frequency: 0.5 – 25 Hz Sinusoidal with Sawtooth Carrier Signal Waveform (with full body mat), a square wave with probe and mat

Intensity: ~0 – 70 uT (starts at picotesla range 10^-12).

Cost: Lowest price is $2895.00 + Tax.

Includes: Full body mat, computer, small probe and pad (only in the med set); optional light and sound machine.

Warranty:  3 Years


§ Powerful device with field intensity of more than 70uT

§ Can use all of its three applications at once

§ Easy to set up and use


§ No return policy

§ Needs to be flat

§ Isn’t travel-friendly

§ Non-programmable

Bemer Pro and Bemer Classic

This New Bemer 3000 comes with some slight improvements when we compare it to the old model.

It has some obvious changes in appearance so that it looks much more modern and attractive, but it still operates based on the same intensity and the characteristic Bemer signal available on the old model.

Moreover, the new model features a sleep mode which operates at 10 Hz, so it provides the user with a relaxing frequency to use at night, even though 10 Hz is higher than the frequency required for sleep (the perfect ones are between 0.5 and 7 Hz).

And this new model can support two mats at the same time, which is exciting.

The Bemer 3000 is made in Switzerland, and works by using a proven sinusoidal waveform which operates at 33 Hz, but which is a little bit above the perfect frequency range.

According to manufacturers, this is a great device because it uses a complex waveform, which is a lot better than sawtooth, square wave, or other geometries.

If you wish to produce cellular resonance but also provide the perfect frequencies spectrum, I believe the sawtooth is the best waveform.

I also found out that some leading research supports this, as well.

Even though this new model still uses the same Bemer signal, it is an improved version featuring better applicators and several enhancements compared to the old model.

Frequency: Complex Sinusoidal Waveform, working at 33 Hz, and Sleep Mode working at 10 Hz

Intensity:  3.5 – 35 uT

Price:  Lowest price is $4300 (Bemer 3000 Plus)

Includes:  Full body pad, computer, applicator box, towel, and a travel bag

Warranty: 3 Year Warranty


§ Multi-touch control display

§ 3 preset programs for intensive treatment of specific regions

§ 10 intensity levels according to the basic plan

§ Sleep program – A program featuring waking function and time control

§ Dual control – uses two B.BODY application modules at the same time for day mode and the sleep program

§ 2-in-1 function – The control of two same or different modules is possible (independent of each other)

§ Edit mode – A software tool that creates individual indication-specific programs with 9 storage locations


§ No biorhythm clock, square wave, or sawtooth wave

§ Relatively expensive (Lowest price is $4290 for the Classic System, and $5990 for the Professional system)


This is a wonderful PEMF device intended for all those who have trouble sleeping, as well as for people with local problems.

You need to place your pillow on it at night, and it will create an electromagnetic field that will entertain your brain.

This will allow you to maintain normal sleep cycles.

It will not only help you fall asleep, but also to stay in deep sleep.

There are 10 programs on this device, and 4 of those are sleep programs.

However, there are differences between these four programs, so you can choose them depending on how severe your sleep problem is.

Also, you can choose between 2 entertainment programs; the first one is for alert states, and the second is for relaxation.

On top of that, it has a delta rhythm hybrid program, which is an alert program and a recovery program, as well as a manually adjustable program that allows you to pick a frequency like the Schumann which runs as assistance during work or meditation.

The intensity of this device can be managed with the control unit, which is done by configuring the coil itself.

Its maximum intensity is 650 Gauss when intact, but you can use the control unit to adjust it between 10-100%.

The system can be used for between 15 minutes – 12 hours, with 15-minute increments.

In a nutshell:

§ Great for sleep enhancement

§ High intensity

§ $699.00 (lowest price)


§ One of the cheapest PEMF device for sale

§ Easy to use and set-up

§ Improves sleep

§ Can work on a battery or be plugged into the wall


§ Few features when you compare it to high-end PEMF devices

§ No battery is included

§ Costs more to buy two magnets, but that is a better choice

QRS Quatron

Several German researchers stand behind the QRS, and initially developed it in order to find out how high frequency electropollution affects our bodies.

In 1998, in Switzerland, Geneva, the QRS was awarded the gold medal in the field of medicine.

The QRS is used worldwide by many people who want to benefit from its positive effects.

With the QRS-101 Home System, you get a therapy mat, a control unit, and a pillow pad.

“Lighting in a bottle” is the name for a control unit which transmits unique signals into a copper mesh placed in the pillow pad and the mattress.

This mesh can transform these signals into beneficial pulsating electromagnetic fields which can penetrate the whole body.

Some health benefits that it provides are better blood flow and faster cell metabolism.

The pulsed electromagnetic fields in question are low-intensity and harmless.

The pillow pad can stimulate different body parts that need attention, such as the knees, shoulders, elbows, and so on.

Even though the QRS has proven to be useful, it doesn’t offer an immediate fix. In some cases, weeks or months of continuous use need to occur before the body can restore its balance.

The QRS is developed to be used at home, but it is used in clinics nowadays everywhere in the world as well, which speaks for its benefits and credibility.

On top of that, the QRS has no side effects, and is completely safe both for children and adults.

However, pregnant women and those with pacemakers should not use the QRS Quatron.


§ 225 micro tesla provides a higher intensity than the QRS Quatron

§ 30 day money back guarantee

§ One-year warranty

§ 100,000 devices sold in Europe in the last 10 years

§ Lowest price is $3995


§ Doesn’t use magnets

§ Doesn’t have any side effects


§ Doesn’t have NASA’s Square Wave

§ Pregnant women, as well as those suffering from epilepsy, mycosis, or who wear a pacemaker, should not use it.

Mag 1000

This is a mobile PEMF device that provides high-frequency magnetotherapy.

It has a rechargeable battery that is very efficient, 20 preset programs, an adjustable frequency between 8-640 Hz, and it can be used for up to 24 hours.

It is perfect for the treatment of soft tissue, like muscles and tendons.

It can also be used to treat bone tissue diseases like bone calcifications.


§ 1 elastic therapeutic belt

§ 1 device

§ Internal rechargeable battery featuring new long-lasting technology

§ 1 battery charger

§ Portable bag

§ User manual and belt positioning

Main Features:

§ Big display

§ Three levels of adjustable intensity

§ Two belt connectors

§ Wrong belt connector indicator

§ Backlit display

§ Medical device CE0476

§ Belt clip

Cost: $245.00


§ Mobile and easy to use

§ Relatively large display

§ Affordable ($245)


§ Cannot penetrate deep into tissue because of low intensity

Sota Magnetic Pulser

Sota Magnetic Pulser is one of the PEMF machines that emits very high intensity waves, and also emits residual heat.

Compared to many other PEMF devices, the Sota does not emit specific frequencies, but it discharges a so-called ‘spray’ of different frequencies with every wave.

This device is made of a control unit and a paddle applicator that is attached to it.

Its intensities reach almost 6,000 Gauss, which is a very strong magnetic field.

It can create such extreme intensities because of its specific design.

The Sota Magnetic Pulser works similarly to the flash in your camera; first, it charges, and after that emits a pulse, then recharges, and so on.

Due to this method of function, this device also doesn’t provide a specific waveform.

Instead, with every pulse, it sends out a spray of frequencies of about 4.7 Hz.

This device can work for up to 20 minutes and, because of its strong intensity, it is great for internal issues since it can penetrate deep into your body.

It can thus be used on any body area or problem, like joints, scars, swelling, and more.

There is only one setting available, so you just need to press the start button.

The surface of the applicator has an intensity of 6,000 Gauss.

However, this intensity decreases quickly, so when you move farther away from the applicator (1 inch), this drops to around 2,000 Gauss.

In a nutshell:

§ Easy to use

§ Initial price $350.00

§ Very high intensity


§ Very high intensity – penetrates deep into tissue and heals numerous conditions

§ Cheap (starts at $350)

§ Easy to use


§ Only one program available

PEMF Benefits

Clinical evidence shows that PEMF therapy has a very positive effect in decreasing the pain caused by sports injuries, burns, accidents, surgeries, degeneration, disease, and a lot more.

PEMF therapy can improve these health issues in many different ways and on many different levels, such as chemical, magnetic, mechanical, and electrical.

Additionally, PEMF is approved by the FDA for treatment of bone damage, depression, and joint pain.

With regard to soft tissue damage, in 1995, Siskin and Walker offered a list of clinical tests. They didn’t notice any side effects related to PEMF, and saw these benefits:

§ Increased mobility

§ Reduced pain

§ Decreased inflammation

§ Faster recovery

§ Decreased muscle loss post-surgery

§ Faster skin wound healing

§ More ligament strength

§ Faster nerve regeneration

§ Improved capillary formation

§ Reduced tissue necrosis

In 1993, in the Bioelectric Research Center at Columbia University, PEMFs were used to produce voltage which was similar to those induced during the dynamic mechanical deformation of connective tissues.

They wanted to have more control of cellular function, as well as discover how PEMF therapy works.

This study claims that PEMF therapy could treat some serious musculoskeletal disorders.

What’s more, the number of illnesses that can be treated has grown since, and now includes nerve regeneration, wound healing, graft behavior, diabetes, stroke, heart attack, and many other health issues.


After reviewing these products, our team came to conclusion that Healthyline’s is the best budget choice on this list, since it includes all features that are important and has extra features that other products simply don’t have. If you have a much higher budget and would like to have all bells and whistles, buy PEMF8000. It is much more expensive (starts at $11,999), but it will have extra features that are on par with any much more expensive medical grade PEMF machines.


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“Let’s Celebrate Gratitude and Appreciation” | PEMF 8000 REVIEWS

“Let’s Celebrate Gratitude – Appreciation and love”this Thanksgiving Day

PEMF 8000 Thank you

Dear Friends, and Family,

This week, many of our staff gathered to share a simple message for the upcoming holiday:

Thank you. Thank you for your support of PEMF Wellness Technology and our amazing PEMF8000 Devices!  Thanks to you we had the most successful and amazing year. We thank you from each and every one of us here.

We also appreciate your continued efforts to send us your inconceivable testimonies of healing and wellness!

We will continue this year to compel our company and PEMF technology to the pinnacle of all healing and wellness devices.

“As we express our gratitude, we must never forget that the highest appreciation is not to utter words, but to live by them”.

~John Fitzgerald Kennedy

“Thanksgiving Day comes, by statute, once a year; to the honest man it comes as frequently as the heart of gratitude will allow”.

~Edward Sandford Martin

My wish for you with these words this holiday:

“May you have Comfort on difficult days, smiles when sadness intrudes, rainbows to follow the clouds, laughter to kiss your lips, sunsets to warm your heart, hugs when spirits sag, beauty for your eyes to see, friendships to brighten your being, faith so that you can believe, confidence for when you doubt, courage to know yourself, patience to accept the truth, And, Love to complete your life!”

Happy Thanksgiving!

Many Blessings,
Love,  Charlie Farricielli

You also may want to read my “Appreciation and Gratitude Story”!

Also Check out our Thanksgiving Inspirational Quotes


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PEMF 8000 will assist the body heal itself and create wellness | PEMF is short for pulsed electromagnetic fields | PEMF 8000

Cellular exercise in the form of PEMF will assist the body heal itself and create wellness. PEMF is short for pulsed electromagnetic fields.

For a few years now, I have been researching PEMF and how to incorporate it into my natural healing practice. With the myriad of different systems available, I wanted to ensure I chose a PEMF8000 system that was robust, effective and made in the United States. After reviewing a few systems, I decided to use one that several of my colleagues found very effective and that stood the test of time in regards to durability and one that effectively improved my patients’ healing ability. In my office, patients who have chronic knee pain, chronic shoulder pain/”frozen shoulder, neuropathy, fibromyalgia, Parkinson’s disease, and a host of other chronic and acute health challenges are benefitting from cellular exercise using our PEMF8000.


“If you have ever held two magnets in your hands, tried to force them together, and felt a resistance between them, then you have experienced a magnetic field. The Earth has its own magnetic field, produced by fluxes in the molten metal in the core of the planet. The presence of this field is what causes a compass to rotate so that the ‘north pole’ of the compass points roughly north. A changing magnetic field (such as a magnetic field moving through a coil) generates an electric field (which would drive a current in the coil). This forms the basis for many electrical generators and motors. Similar to the way that a changing magnetic field can generate an electric field, a changing electric field generates a magnetic field. This is a natural activity of the universe. An electromagnetic field is a physical field produced by moving electrical charges. It affects the behavior of any other charged objects in the vicinity of the field.

PEMF stands for Pulsed ElectroMagnetic Fields, which are widely used these days to improve circulation and cell metabolism. The body can become accustomed to nonmoving (or static) magnetic fields, which are generally unable to deeply penetrate the body. A pulsed electromagnetic field, however, is quite dynamic, is able to penetrate all the way through the body, and creates a cascade of effects within the body.

It is important to distinguish between the electromagnetic fields we use for therapeutic purposes and other man-made electromagnetic fields from power lines, microwave ovens, cell phones, etc., which can cause damage to our bodies. The PEMF devices we recommend all produce safe, natural electromagnetic fields which are of lower frequency, and are complementary to the chemistry and functions of the body.”


“You have over 75 Trillion cells in your body. Cells are the basic building blocks of all living things. They provide structure for the body ,take in nutrients from food, convert those nutrients into energy, and carry out specialized functions.

Cellular exercise increases cellular membrane permeability. This allows better circulation of oxygen and nutrients into your cells. Additionally, PEMF helps eliminate carbon dioxide and waste products out of the cells. To understand the difference between a healthy and an unhealthy cell think of a fresh picked grape and a raisin.


The grape is full of life and energy, while the raisin is drained of its essence. Healthy cells have the energy to maintain proper electrical balance. This balance allows cells to repair and regenerate, keeping the right amount of water and nutrients flowing into and out of the cell.

The raisin, or unhealthy cell, lacks a proper electrical charge, interfering with the repair cycle and the essential flow of water and nutrients. Without these key elements, cell health and overall health suffers.


  1. Exercise
  2. Raw Food
  3. Spring Water
  4. Magnetic Fields

The first three options are slow-acting. Now, you can quickly bring cells back into electrical balance with Pulsed Magnetic Cellular Exercise (PMCE). Each cell then has the energy to work as the body intended – to repair and regenerate, increasing nutrient circulation and oxygen flow.


Everything that goes on inside your body and every interaction you have with the outside world is controlled by your brain. Humans have 100 billion neurons {brain cells)that depend on oxygen.

The brain requires a great deal of oxygen to function. PEMF can increase your cellular level of oxygen absorption.


Healthy bones, muscles and organs are essential to enjoying everyday living. One of the effects of stress is a general increase in tension within the skeletal muscles. Unnecessary stress induced muscle tension causes lack of energy and makes us susceptible to illness. PEMF may assist in reducing pain and inflammation, the stimulation of tissue healing, and the strengthening of bones.




  • PEMF changes your energy at the cellular level. Remember you are made of over 75 trillion cells in your body. Cells are the basic building blocks of all living things. PEMF affects the capacitance of all the cells it contacts, improving their ability to hold a charge. Capacitance is the ability of a cell to store an electrical charge. Recharging the cells accelerates the body’s natural healing ability.
  • PEMF directly affect the systems responsible for healing the body. No healing, repair or growth takes place in the body without the signals, or electrical impulses, sent by the central and peripheral nervous systems. PEMF directly impacts the nervous system.
  • PEMF stimulates GABA (an inhibitory neurotransmitter that calms and relaxes nerve impulses). GABA is a neurotransmitter, which is a chemical used by our nervous system to conduct appropriate nerve impulses. GABA is responsible for calming the nervous system by improving the ability to turn off the sympathetic nervous system (the fight or flight portion of our autonomic or automatic adapting nervous system) and turn on the parasympathetic nervous system (the rest and digest portion of our autonomic nervous system). PEMF has also been found to induce GABA in certain parts of the brain. When the body relaxes, the parasympathetic nervous system takes control and the body can start or continue its natural healing process.
  • PEMF improves sleep and promotes relaxation. According to the National Sleep Foundation, 48 percent or Americans complain of occasional insomnia. PEMF increases GABA levels and counteracts the sympathetic nervous system response in the body. These actions help promote better sleep and reduce stress.
  • “Increased Circulation. One of the most basic functions magnetic fields have in the body is to increase circulation. When a cell (such as a red blood cell) is injured or ill, it does not hold its ideal charge. This causes red cells to “stick” together, making circulation slow. When a magnetic field passes through the red cell, the membrane becomes properly charged, allowing the cell to repel itself and keep itself separate from other red cells, thereby increasing circulation. In addition, PEMFs increase various chemicals in the blood vessel walls that cause the blood vessels to dilate, improving the amount of blood flowing through the vessels and therefore increasing the amount of oxygen delivered to the tissues.

Poor circulation makes tissues unhealthy and prone to disease and breakdown. Improved circulation helps tissues get the nutrition and oxygen they need, while expelling the waste they produce. Good circulation helps with tissue healing and regeneration. The result of improved circulation is the reduction of swelling and the removal of bruising.

  • Enhanced Muscle Function. Muscle energy, needed for muscles to work, is developed through a process called Myosin Phosphorylation. Myosin is muscle, and phosphorylation is energy (ATP) production. Optimal energy allows muscles to work harder and longer, and recover more quickly from their work. Muscles that are contracted or in spasm are better able to relax, decreasing tension and reducing the pain caused by spasm.
  • Decreased Inflammation. Inflammation is a cascade of physiologic processes initiated by the body to repair cellular damage in tissues by increasing the blood flow to the damaged area and increasing the number of good inflammatory cells. The process of inflammation is generated and supported by the interaction of a number of immune cell types, with other cell types (like T cells) playing a regulatory role in the cascade effect. Inflammation is a necessary and beneficial process, but it often persists longer than necessary, resulting in chronic inflammation. Chronic inflammation is frequently a cause of chronic pain. PEMFs have been found to reduce chronic, damaging inflammation. Inflammation can be initiated by many causes, and knowing the nature of the cause is important in designing therapeutic approaches.

T cells are a major regulator of the inflammatory cascade. In bacterial infections, early infiltration of the affected tissues by white blood cells is followed by the arrival of T cells, which kill bacteria. In this circumstance, elimination of T cells can delay or stop healing. Conversely, in trauma-induced injury, T cells are less important to the healing process, and may be harmful if present for too long. In this case, elimination of T cells can minimize the unwanted effects of inflammation, accelerate healing, and reduce the risk of chronic inflammatory diseases. In chronic inflammatory diseases such as rheumatoid arthritis, psoriasis, or tendinitis, T cells support the persistence of the disease state, and removing them would be favorable.

Research shows us that PEMFs can induce the appropriate death of aged, chronic T lymphocytes, by actions on T cell membranes and key enzymes in cells. For example, PEMFs affect ion flow through specific cell membrane channels (like those for sodium, potassium, and calcium), which positively affect these enzymes.

  • Stress Reduction. Stress is part of being human. Normal stress, called eustress, is necessary for survival. Too much stress is very harmful to the body, and accelerates aging. Stress is responsible for at least 65% of our illnesses, so stress reduction is necessary for all of us. Stress-reducing activities, performed on an occasional basis, will allow too much stress-related damage to accumulate over time. Therefore, stress reduction must be a daily activity. Magnetic fields have many stress-reducing effects. Daily use of PEMFs help to wash away the negative effect natural stresses have on our bodies.
  • Bone Healing. Magnetic fields pass through the body – even the bones – as if the body wasn’t even there. PEMFs work to repair bones, whether they are damaged by surgery, injury, or disease, and have been found to improve bone regeneration such as occurs with osteoporosis and osteopenia, among other bone destroying conditions.
  • Blood Oxygenation. Just as a fire cannot burn without oxygen, our cells cannot produce heat and energy without oxygen. Our lungs extract oxygen from the air we breathe. It passes into our blood and is carried by arteries away from the heart and delivered to the rest of the body, including all the organs. PEMFs help with the process of extracting oxygen out of the air we breathe and help it to be transported into the circulation. The absorbed oxygen is then transported through the body to all the cells, where it is absorbed into the individual cells. In the cells, enzymes and other basic cell energy production processes use the oxygen for cell metabolism, the energy necessary to function properly. The metabolism of an organism determines which substances it will find nutritious and which it will find harmful. Proper blood-oxygen levels at the cell level (not just in the blood) allow this process to continue quickly and efficiently. After the oxygen exchange takes place, veins carry deoxygenated blood and metabolic waste products away from those same cells and back to the heart for recycling again.

The purpose of this document is to provide a basic understanding of how magnetic fields, especially PEMFs, work in the body. Recently an in-depth interview on the topic of PEMF was conducted and you can watch it here:


  • reducing muscle tension
  • improving tissue healing
  • reducing pain
  • increasing energy
  • improving clotting factors
  • slowing the development of arthritis
  • stimulating the immune system
  • helping the body to detoxify
  • improving the uptake of nutrients
  • reducing blood pressure
  • helping nerve function
  • helping liver function
  • balancing the acupuncture meridians
  • improving sleep
  • making soft tissue more flexible
  • reducing arthritic changes” [1]

pemf8000 deluxe

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The PEMF 8000 devices are extremely versatile – it’s designed to treat a broad range of conditions in the human body. While there are other PEMF machines available, they don’t come with the durability, reliability, effectiveness and power as the PEMF8000.This powerhouse can work from around 1000 gauss to a maximum field intensity of around 20,000 gauss (2 Tesla), with a frequency range of 1Hz to 50 Hz. This means more of the targeted and penetrating pulses hit their target and perform the desired therapy. For complete body rejuvenation, cellular repair and freedom from chronic pain. Get plugged into the PEMF 8000 Series of devices – it’s the leading light in the remarkable, ongoing story of the PEMF therapy revolution.

The PEMF 8000™ is by far the most advanced and durable PEMF device build yet.  Only the best and most proven high quality components have been used to create this “State of the Art” unit to guarantee fast and long lasting results in a clinical environments well as in the private home.

With up to 20000 Gauss, a Hz range from 1 to 100  and a pulse speed of  about 100 nano seconds this device diggs deeper than any other PEMF device by charging the cells with a payload of instantly useable energy!

The PEMF 8000™ fights chronic pain  at its source by pulsing the body with an electromagnetic field.

The electricity inhibits bacteria and enables the cells to repair the body, take in clean nutrients, and remove dangerous toxins more effectively!

The PEMF 8000™ is the first of its kind capable of reducing or even eliminating chronic pain in a matter of minutes.

Dramatic improvements in the body’s condition can be seen and felt starting with the first treatment and they continue for about 3 days afterward.

Regular treatments create cumulative results, demonstrated by multiple cases of 75 – 100% recovery from permanent conditions such as frozen joints after therapy for several weeks.

There is no better way to quickly improve your quality of life than with pulsed electromagnetic therapy through the PEMF 8000™.

Why The PEMF 8000?

Leading Edge Technology Available Now!!

  • 3 Models To Choose From:
  • Desktop / Mobile / Equine
  • Competitively Priced – Compare!!
  • 20 Year Successful Track Record
  • Lifetime Warranty Available
  • Remote Diagnostics and Repair
  • Financing Available
  • Made in USA
  • 30 Day Money Back Guarantee

PEMF 8000 is the Quickest Path to Pain Relief without Drugs or Surgery

Pulsed electromagnetic fields therapy or “PEMF”, is an astounding and innovative way of putting all sorts of health issues – especially chronic pain – into permanent remission. Mimicking the earths’ electromagnetic fields that are fundamental to all life, the device that’s at the leading-edge of this revolutionary therapy is the Phoenix Series of PEMF machines. These clinical-grade and professionally designed machines produce safe, powerful and restorative electromagnetic pulses that help every bodily function and moving part, recharging the body on a cellular level. The PEMF 8000 is especially effective for treating chronic pain in areas that are hard to get to. This technology is FDA approved uses in several bone and tissue repair protocols. The powerful fields produced by the PEMF 8000 speed up the recovery process for all sorts of damaged parts of the body; including reduced inflammation and numerous applications for reversing depression and increasing our sense of well being. PEMF therapy also has multiple applications relating to detoxification: the PEMF 8000’s pulses improve circulation and improve oxygen flow throughout the body – providing the energy and stimulation to your body’s natural regenerative systems, especially stem-cell production


pemf 8000.

How does PEMF therapy work?

Every cell contains tiny electrical batteries called mitochondria. These delicate and essential structures help our cells with the many functions they maintain every single second. One of the vital processes that mitochondria execute is producing energy. By stimulating and re-charging these batteries and helping the cells’ production of Adenosine triphosphate (ATP), energy transfer is enhanced. By using pulsed electromagnetic fields therapy, more energy can be delivered to specific locations in the body. The result is more effective cellular repair and better tissue repair. The reason PEMF is becoming so popular as an effective, non-invasive and side effect-free antidote to pain, is because it directly affects nerve cells – which tell our brain that our body is experiencing pain. This has delightful anti-inflammatory implications, which has real value in minimizing pain. This also affects flexibility – especially when treating stiff and inflamed muscles. PEMF treatment invariably increases the range of motion that can be achieved, results are usually immediate. For bone fractures, PEMF is especially useful in healing non-union fractures. This is because electromagnetic waves are the earths tool to cause biochemical changes which result in an increased speed in bone formation. PEMF therapy has also been found to relieve depression and other well being conditions. It’s also been applied to everything from arthritis, to cancer, to heart disease, Alzheimer’s disease, Parkinson’s disease, to multiple sclerosis, autism, diabetes, and many other ailments.

Using the PEMF 8000 Clinical Grade

The controllable and safe PEMF 8000 device can be used in any position: sitting, lying down, or standing up. There are plenty of options on how it can be used, so it’s helpful to look at the instructions provided. The Phoenix is simple to operate, you’ll have the hang of it in no time. The PEMF 8000 comes with a dial for intensity, a timer to ensure that exactly the right amount of time is spent in your treatments. And of course an on/off switch. The delivery method for the treatment is called a ‘butterfly loop’. As many things in life, when using the PEMF 8000 Phoenix, sometimes ‘less is more’. This mindset also carries the additional benefit that the treatment of any particular condition does not take long. Using this professional-grade PEMF 8000 device provides the equivalent of a deep tissue massage (on steroids), so it’s important to condition the body to the electromagnetic pulses by building up duration over time. This is why 15-20 minutes per treatment is completely sufficient. Additionally, when the loops are first placed on and around the body, the intensity and frequency should start low, and then be turned up steadily to a therapeutic level. As the loops are moved around the body and pain sites, the electromagnetic pulses will often find pinched nerves or sciatic problems. This will be indicated by a bit more tension in the area, and the PEMF waves will be felt more strongly. When the loops are working on the body, it is the transference of electrical pulses that create a nerve reaction – a gentle twitching-like sensation. This will be involuntary, but it means that it’s right where it needs to be – especially with muscles that are inflamed or have gone into spasm. Three to five minutes at a particular site on the body is usually sufficient. The truly astounding thing about electromagnetic pulses produced by the Phoenix Series is that they penetrate tissue and bone – all the way down to the cellular level – and jump-start cells’ restorative processes – a remarkable three-dimensional way of treating conditions.


The PEMF 8000 literally ‘recharges your batteries’

The PEMF 8000 devices are extremely versatile – it’s designed to treat a broad range of conditions in the human body. While there are other PEMF machines available, they don’t come with the durability, reliability, effectiveness and power as the Phoenix . This powerhouse can work from around 1000 gauss to a maximum field intensity of around 20,000 gauss (2 Tesla), with a frequency range of 1Hz to 50 Hz. This means more of the targeted and penetrating pulses hit their target and perform the desired therapy. For complete body rejuvenation, cellular repair and freedom from chronic pain, get plugged into the PEMF 8000 Series of devices – it’s the leading light in the remarkable, ongoing story of the PEMF therapy revolution.

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